Is Language Acquisition Innate Or Taught Video
INNATE LANGUAGE - LANGUAGE ACQUISITIONIs Language Acquisition Innate Or Taught - regret, that
Language acquisition device LAD is the innate ability built into the human genetic code to: a learn through reinforcement. O b communicate through gestures. O c understand and use language. Q: What is the major difference between the first four developmental stages and the last four developme A: Erick Erickson was an Ego psychologist. Is Language Acquisition Innate Or Taught
The nativist theory of language acquisition became very popular in the late 20th century through Noam Chomsky who claimed that language is an innate faculty. However, this does not mean that the child requires any kind of formal teaching. Chomsky claims that if a Martian linguist finds his way to earth, he would conclude from the evidence that only one language exists, with several variants.
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He gives many reasons to prove this. Chomsky claims that it is nearly impossible for children to learn mathematics or how to ride a bike the same way learnt their language stages of language acquisition. This is possible because. When people talk, they make slips of tongues, they often interrupt themselves, change their minds and so on. Yet, children still manage to have a firm grasp of Acquistion language.
Expert Answer
A child unconsciously begins to recognize the kind of language he is dealing with as he listens to his parents. The child intuitively knows some words behave like verbs and others like nouns. This is not a piece of information that his parents or people around him directly teach Acquisiton, but information that is given.
It is almost as if the child is offered several hypotheses at birth which the child then matches with what is happening around him.
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If you look at children, you would realize that even when they make wrong sentences, the sentence is still in the right order. The reason is thus, when a child starts to put two words together, the child has already mastered the basic rules of syntax.

And even when the child makes an erroneous sentence, he applies them correctly. Furthermore, children absorb an enormous number of sentence and phrases and instead of parroting them back, children abstract the rules from Ibnate and construct their own grammar which they then apply to create new sentences that they have never heard before.]
Quite right! It is excellent idea. I support you.