Investigation Of The Criminal Justice System -

Investigation Of The Criminal Justice System Investigation Of The Criminal Justice System Investigation Of The Criminal Justice System

View the nine-part series as it appeared in print, beginning with a special section on July 22 and continuing through the final installment on Dec. Read about the changes being examined to improve the investigation and prosecution of sexual assault cases. April 4, Ramsey County prosecutors, police vow to improve sex crimes investigations. April 4, Frey, Arradondo announce overhaul of Minneapolis sexual assault investigations. March 14, Rape survivor shares story with Minnesota lawmakers in hopes of sweeping reform. July Public officials call sexual assault stories horrific.

How Minnesota’s criminal justice system has failed victims of sexual assault

Ina University of Minnesota undergraduate named Abby Honold was raped at an ySstem apartment by a fellow student. Minneapolis police arrested the suspect, but released him a few days later. In reporting that story, Star Tribune reporters heard from several law enforcement sources that sexual assault investigations in Minnesota deserved further scrutiny. Over the past year, the Star Tribune has examined more than 1, rape and sexual assault case files from the 20 law enforcement agencies across Minnesota that reported the highest number of sexual assault reports to the FBI. Using a public-records request, reporters obtained every rape report from and that Minneapolis and St. Paul police departments considered closed. For the other agencies, the Star Tribune examined a random sample from the same years.

Media Requests

Invstigation reporter or editor read each of the files, screening out any cases that involved children or incest, were Investigation Of The Criminal Justice System unfounded by police, or that remain under investigation. We logged key details from the cases, such as whether there was physical evidence; whether suspects Thf witnesses were interviewed, and whether charges were ever filed. In assessing those case files, the reporters relied on best-practice investigative guidelines developed by the International Association of Chiefs of Police and an advocacy group called End Violence Against Women International.

The reporters also attended a two-day law enforcement seminar about investigating sexual assault. We also asked 13 veteran investigators and prosecutors from across the United States to review and comment on more than of the Minnesota cases. Rape survivors were identified in these stories only if they specifically agreed to the use of their names for publication. In reporting this series, the Star Tribune consulted 13 veteran sexual assault investigators across the country:.

Investigation Of The Criminal Justice System

The International Association of Chiefs of Police and leading victim advocate groups have developed a set of best practices for investigating sexual assault. They include:. Collect all possible physical evidence, including clothing, bedding, cellphone records Jusyice DNA samples. Because rape survivors often have doubts about proceeding and may be hard to reach, make at least three attempts to contact them.]

Investigation Of The Criminal Justice System

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