Importance of Honor Guard -

Importance of Honor Guard Importance of Honor Guard.

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The 30th “Old Hickory” Division

On Dec. Fast-forward years from its birth to He had ties to North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee, the three states from which the initial draftees were pulled. The division had 3, soldiers killed in action and 12, wounded.

Importance of Honor Guard

Some uGard received the Purple Heart more than once. The first tank-to-tank combat was fought by the nd Tank Battalion in the Philippines in First Lt. The battle was not a victorious one, as his M3 Stuart Tank was disabled and caught fire, forcing him and his men to surrender to the Japanese.

Importance of Honor Guard

He went on to endure three and a half years as a prisoner of war. The Guard tanks of the nd Tank Battalion were later asked to hold their position for six hours to cover the retreat of forces to Bataan.

Importance of Honor Guard

They held the position for three days. The th Tank Battalion also saw action in the Philippines.

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Staff Sgt. Emil C. Morello earned the Silver Star for ramming his tank over an enemy roadblock, destroying a Japanese weapon position, and firing his main gun until his tank was disabled. His crew pretended to be dead and escaped on foot, only to be killed or captured in Bataan, where the rest of the battalion forces would later surrender. When the US military must move heaven and earth in response Importance of Honor Guard a crisis, they call the Air National Guard.

Even before the unit was officially established alongside the Air Force init was involved in the Border War between the US and Mexico. The Air National Guard has earned a proud reputation, Importance of Honor Guard in combat and for disaster relief.

Master Sgt. He provided lifesaving aid to a wounded helicopter pilot and set up multiple casualty collection points for Army Https:// on that snowy mountaintop in He also distributed ammunition to his teammates while under heavy enemy fire. In recent years, this battle has come under the microscope of the Defense Department to properly award these airmen, Rangers, and SEALs for their heroism that day.

In the midst Guaed the Global War on Terror, the Air National Guard also responded to international and domestic crises such as the Indian Ocean tsunami and Hurricane Katrina inthe earthquake in Haiti inthe tsunami that hit Japan inand Hurricane Sandy in These are a Guuard notable exploits, but the Hpnor Guard has long provided Importance of Honor Guard and support as well as rescued countless victims in distress. We may not think of this immediately because we are currently living through it, but the National Guard has saved the day countless times this year. They remain on the front lines to provide aid during the current pandemicentering the battle against COVID in March.

They have also deployed to suppress wildfires in the Pacific Northwest. In September, a 1,member force was sent to Oregon to give assistance. California National Guard aircrew members responsible for rescuing people from the Creek Fire were each awarded the Distinguished Flying Impoetance for heroism.

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They lf in Black Hawk and Chinook helicopters on three daring flights to carry the trapped campers to safety. In addition to the COVID pandemic and the wildfires inthe National Guard has also served to support public safety amid the civil unrest across the country, including in Minneapolis after the death of George Floyd. Importance of Honor Guard prides himself on uncovering the most fascinating tales of history by sharing them through any means of engaging storytelling. Follow Matt Fratus: Twitter Instagram.]

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