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The nation was braced for chaos. Liberal groups had vowed to take to the streets, planning hundreds of protests across the country. Right-wing militias were girding for battle. Instead, an eerie quiet descended. As President Trump refused to concede, the response was not mass action but crickets. How Social Media Can Do For Criminals How Social Media Can Do For Criminals

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Social media threats could lead to criminal charges

Yet while businesses are now more reliant on social media than ever before, with it comes new vulnerability.

How Social Media Can Do For Criminals

In recent months, hundreds of people were shocked to find their Instagram accounts wrongly disabled and deactivated. Instagram, which is owned and operated by Facebook, has the 4th-most users of any mobile app. Popculture stated that other members found messages missing from their inbox.

How Social Media Can Do For Criminals

While not much is known as to why so many accounts were taken down, it is clear that companies are increasingly dictating what their users should and should not see and believe. The truth is, the future of online censorship is unknown and people and businesses relying on social media to succeed and communicate should be prepared for ongoing changes. To help protect your list from being throttled, shut down, or cleared forever, here are a few ways to protect your online presence and prepare for a censored future:. How Social Media Can Do For Criminals yourself with Terms of Service Violating a platform's Terms of Service or community guidelines is the easiest way to get kicked out of your account.

As a creator, it is important to familiarize yourself with these rules. If you would like to use another person's content, be sure to ask permission first and tag them to give them credit. As for the third-party apps, it is okay to use a scheduling platform, but it is not okay to use apps that spam likes and repetitive comments. Avoid mass follows and likes When growing your account, mass following and liking may seem like an easy method for quick growth.

Become a better social marketer.

Violation of these rules can lead to a temporary, and sometimes permanent account ban. Instead, follow and frequently engage with accounts that are relevant and of interest to you. Purchasing likes and followers is also another easy way to get your account deleted. Because Instagram constantly purges fake followers, you will end up losing money and possibly your entire account by violating Instagram's strict Terms of Service Watch your hashtags Hashtags are an easy way to connect content with a specific topic or theme. However, some hashtags may not mean what you think. Before you copy and paste a long set of hashtags, be sure to search the content behind the hashtag to ensure it will invite the right audience to your platform.

How Social Media Can Do For Criminals

If your posts are inviting spam comments, it may be time to reevaluate your hashtags and research more relevant options. Safeguard your lists.

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Worst case scenario, even after following these steps, accounts may still be deactivated. To many businesses and influencers, this can be devastating as their entire community of followers has vanished. With increasing deletion of accounts, these entrepreneurs can no longer rely solely on link media to stay connected with their followers. Before a disaster like this occurs, businesses and influencers are building their own text marketing communities with platforms like VoxDirect to ensure communication and connection with their followers, even outside of social media. With text message marketing, these entrepreneurs can send special daily or weekly messages to keep followers in the loop. At VoxDirect, we have the tools and solutions to help you create and automate SMS marketing communications that will help you drive more sales and accelerate the growth of your business.

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