How I Have Learned As A Student -

How I Have Learned As A Student Video

How a student changed her study habits by setting goals and managing time - Yana Savitsky - TEDxLFHS How I Have Learned As A Student

After a long journey of undergrad, I have finally graduated!

How I Have Learned As A Student

Through my journey, I have learned many great lessons that I plan to carry on throughout my life. Here are five lessons I have learned. Link is continually changing. Our lives are constantly changing; when I first started my undergraduate career, I was pursuing a degree in Chemistry and Biology.

Learmed into University, I always had the occupation of Doctor in mind. Back in Highschool, I frequently volunteered in hospitals.


After my first year of University, A realized this is not what I wanted to do. I always had an interest in creating and using my creative skills, but at the same time, I always wanted to help people. After taking a year off from school to reflect on what I wanted to do, I came back pursuing Psychology and New Media Studies.

Since then, I have never looked back and am extremely happy with my decision. Take risks.

How I Have Learned As A Student

Growing up in a small city and moving to Toronto for school was a significant change for me. I felt enormously anxious Studeng nervous during my first year. I was living away from my family for the first time, trying to figure out life, and study all at the same time. I am generally a very quiet person, so it took me a while to create genuine friendships. Saying hello to someone can be extremely hard for me in difficult situations, but Havs had to take risks to meet new people and gain new experiences. Please do not hold back during these times of your life; it is the best time to take risks, make mistakes and grow. To add to the aspect of taking risks, I learned that exploring is good.

Be curious and ask questions. Always ask yourself why? Why are you choosing a specific pathway? Why is your life the way it How I Have Learned As A Student now? Why is someone speaking to you about a specific topic? Are they trying to teach you something?

“Be proactive and find a way to do what others aren’t.”

Lsarned Why am I reacting the way I am in this situation? Secondly, go to new places where you are not comfortable. You will miss out on a chance to learn when you stick to your comfort zone because you were too scared to step into a new environment. No one knows what they are doing.

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When I learned this, I stopped caring about what others thought of me. I stopped caring about the risks I took.

How I Have Learned As A Student

I stopped trying to follow someone else's footsteps and created my own. Constantly reminding yourself that no one knows what they're doing helps me reassure myself that it is ok not to know, and you will never know until you do something. Time flys by.]

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