Gatsby Women -

Gatsby Women Gatsby Women.

In a novel, sympathizing in a character allows the reader to relate to them. However, at various points within the novel we do offer our brief Gatsby Women to each character. Throughout the novel Daisy Buchanan appears enigmatic to the reader: why is she in a loveless relationship?

Gatsby Women

Why did she leave Gatsby hanging on a thread? Many conclude that the ultimate chapters prove to us Gatsby Women many ways that she is incapable of loving. She looks down on the vulgar nature of people that try and buy their way into the upper class as he has done. In addition, it is possible to argue that being in an unhappy marriage — shown Gatsby Women her reaction to Tom speaking to his mistress over dinner — is a liable reason to which we can feel empathy for her. Despite all of this, however, it is apparent throughout the novel that she is materialistic, promiscuous and immoral. He is a character in which the reader can sympathize — meaning she is hated.

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Ultimately, she chooses to run away with Tom, this is her last act that convinces we, as the reader, to deplore her. Jordan is an equally difficult character to whom we can sympathize; however, for different reasons.

Gatsby Women

Gstsby This does Gatsby Women her emotionally accessible to us; we can feel pity for her. However, this is overshadowed by Gatsby Women compulsive ability to lie. Adding to this, we notice that Jordan is a highly Gafsby and careless character, rather like Daisy. It is apparent he that Jordan does not, as a whole, evoke sympathy with us. Myrtle does not draw any sympathy from the reader at a first glance. She is the lower-class mistress to Tom. She is somewhat comparable to Daisy in that her only care is money and materialism, she wants to escape the upper class, and Tom is her refuge.

This refers to her death, all she ever wanted to Gatsby Women was to escape her class and accomplish her American dream, but Nick morbidly realizes that the only way she ever would is through death. Much like Gatsby, her dream is forever doomed. In that she had an unachievable, completely unattainable dream in her sight, but it was never to be — a doomed dream. Fitzgerald has portrayed them as merely humans with certain traits and bad decisions that moulds them into who they are. All three of these women are accessible to the reader, whilst at the Wonen time completely detached and despised.

I believe that the view in question is different for Gatsby Women reader, as they can make their informed opinion on each of these women. As for me, I do feel sympathy for them, but only to a certain extent. Need this custom essay written urgently?

Gatsby Women

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