Gandhi Gandhi And Essence Of His Movement -

Gandhi Gandhi And Essence Of His Movement

Gandhi Gandhi And Essence Of His Movement - think

On 30th January, , we mark the 73rd anniversary of the very date when Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by someone who did not share his vision of an inclusive and plural India. The PUCL would like to mark this important date by remembering the values which Gandhiji stood for which are under threat today. It is the breath of political and social life. It is the foundation of freedom. There is no room there for dilution or compromise. It is this commitment to civil liberties which we need to uphold in the contemporary context. An essential dimension of civil liberties is the freedom of speech, expression and association- all of which are under attack today. As Gandhiji put it:. Gandhi Gandhi And Essence Of His Movement

As the world observes the 73rd anniversary of the assassination of Indian freedom icon Mahatma Gandhi on Saturday, experts recalled that the events which unfolded in Turkey a century ago actually helped and shaped his leadership in India. According to author R. In a letter to British Viceroy Lord Chelmsford, Gandhi protested the British treatment of Turkey and warned him that non-cooperation policy would intensify after Aug.

At the call of Gandhi and Indian Muslim activist Maulana Mohammad Ali Jouhar, people gave up titles conferred on them by the government and boycotted foreign goods. Writing in the June edition of Young India, an English weekly journal published fromGandhi appealed to Hindus to join the movement against the dismemberment of Turkey.

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According to Muhammad Naeem Qureshi of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Gandhi made clear to the British viceroy that he, as a Hindu, cannot remain indifferent to the cause of Muslims, who were extremely hurt due to the indignity heaped on Turkey. On Nov. Another significant outcome of this gathering was the formation of the Jamiat-ul-Ulama-i-Hind, a religio-political body of the religious scholars which later played an important role as an ally of Congress.

According Movemenh records when Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, the rightest leader, asked Gandhi to suspend the campaign till other members of Congress also sit and discuss article source, he declined it. Historians believe that this movement to help Turkey put an indelible mark on Indian politics.

It was the single pan-South Asian movement that people responded cutting across religious affiliations and involved Punjab, Sind, the Frontier, Bombay, Bengal, and Uttar Pradesh. At a meeting held at the Sonapur Mosque in Mumbai inGandhi proposed Hindu-Muslim unity to fight for the retention of Turkey as a sovereign nation. He also asked Muslims to present their case before the world firmly, unflinchingly, but peacefully. On July 24,the Treaty of Lausanne was signed to the entire satisfaction of the Turkish people.

Thousands of Muslims had taken refuge inside, waiting to be transported to Pakistan. On Jan. Godse was captured by a crowd nearby and handed over to police. In total, nine people -- including top Hindu nationalist leader Vinayak Damodar Savarkar -- were arrested for conspiring the murder.

Gandhi Gandhi And Essence Of His Movement

Savarkar was accused of being the mastermind behind the plot. Ironically, he has been designated a national hero by the current government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Gandhi Gandhi And Essence Of His Movement

In Novembera court sentenced Godse and his accomplice Narayan Apte to death. According to historian A G Noorani, Savarkar was acquitted merely on technical grounds. Paradoxically, a portrait of Savarkar adorns the walls of the Central Hall of Indian Parliament, alongside that of Gandhi. Quoting witnesses, the commission report stated that even then Governor-General Lord Mountbatten had also put moral pressure on Gandhi to push the Nehru government to release payments to Pakistan as it was tarnishing the fair name and honor of India. The first attempt on the life of Gandhi was made on Jan. He was arrested on the spot, while three of his accomplices escaped.

The incident was enough for the police to unearth conspiracy and increase protection to Gandhi, but he was shot by Godse at the same place on Jan. Investigations later concluded that he was the accomplice of Pahwa 10 days ago, when he had attempted to throw the bomb at Gandhi, which missed the target. In recent years attempts are being made by Hindu nationalists to Gahdhi respectability to Godse, by referring to him as a misunderstood patriot, who till now was condemned as a traitor and terrorist. For detailed information, you can review our cookie policy. Close ad. Close Ad. News Service January 30, AA.]

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