Freedom From The Guantanamo Bay Prison -

Freedom From The Guantanamo Bay Prison - variant, yes

As a longtime advocate of closing the Guantanamo Bay jail, these are welcome words. But we are not able to just shut Guantanamo, we require to abolish it. Abolishing Guantanamo implies more than just closing the actual physical prison or transferring the 40 prisoners however detained. Guantanamo was the clear decision. In , making use of the menace of ongoing military occupation, the US certain Cuba to indefinitely lease a fortysquare-mile port to the US for navy use. In excess of the yrs, US presidents, such as George H. Bush and Monthly bill Clinton, utilized this base to indefinitely detain refugees trying to flee to the US for political asylum. The Bush administration selected these prisoners as unlawful enemy combatants, which means they were not entitled to the protections afforded to them by the Geneva Conventions: a set of benchmarks for prisoners of war produced in the aftermath of Planet War II. Moreover, Guantanamo has been the site of egregious torture , in which the US military services subjected the guys detained there to forced standing, sleep deprivation, sexual humiliation, and spiritual abuse amid other practices.

Opinion you: Freedom From The Guantanamo Bay Prison

Freedom From The Guantanamo Bay Prison 693
Prohibition Was Accepted And Successful 191
Freedom From The Guantanamo Bay Prison 5 days ago · Guantanamo Bay prison has a legacy rooted in white supremacy. Mired in a problematic history and present, including detention and torture, there is nothing that can reform the prison. After more than 19 years, the detention facility should be abolished, not just closed. Dr. Maha Hilal is currently Co-Director of Justice for Muslims Collective. 5 days ago · Guantanamo Bay prison has a legacy rooted in white supremacy. Mired in a problematic historical past and existing, which include detention and torture, there is almost nothing that can reform the jail. After extra than 19 a long time, the detention facility ought to be abolished, not just closed. Feb 01,  · Rights groups are calling on the Biden administration to publicly reveal its Covid vaccination plans for prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, days after the Pentagon back-tracked on its plan to.
Freedom From The Guantanamo Bay Prison

Freedom From The Guantanamo Bay Prison Video

The Road To Guantanamo - Documentary Freedom From The Guantanamo Bay Prison

As a longtime advocate of closing the Guantanamo Bay prison, these are welcome words. Abolishing Guantanamo means more than just closing the physical prison or transferring the 40 prisoners still detained. Guantanamo was the obvious choice. Inusing the threat of continued military occupation, the US convinced Freedom From The Guantanamo Bay Prison to indefinitely lease a forty-five-square-mile port to the US for military use. Over the years, US presidents, including George H. Bush and Bill Clinton, used this base to indefinitely detain refugees attempting to flee to the US for political asylum. The Bush administration designated these prisoners as unlawful enemy combatants, meaning they were not entitled to the protections afforded to them by the Geneva Conventions: a set of standards for prisoners of war created in the aftermath of World War II.

Moreover, Guantanamo has been the site of egregious torture, where the US military subjected the men detained there to forced standing, sleep deprivation, sexual humiliation, and religious abuse among other tactics. Meanwhile, former prisoners who have been resettled in other countries still face enormous challenges.

Gitmo’s dark history

For example, Hussein Al-Merfady, a Yemeni man who was detained at Guantanamo for over a decade and never charged with a crime, was transferred to Slovakia, a country he had never set foot in. Here I have nobody. Still others like Yemeni Mansour Adayfi was resettled in Serbia — struggling with surveillance, isolation and the stigma of being considered a terrorist. Since its opening in the context of the War on Terror, prisoners have had to prove their innocence, instead of the government Freedom From The Guantanamo Bay Prison to prove their guilt. Abolishing Guantanamo would mean disconnecting the men from a prison that conveys their guilt long after their detention has ended.

Gitmo's dark history

The abolitionist movement has articulated an understanding of root causes of violence, while at the same time, providing a robust platform for alternative strategies to eliminate prisons as a de facto response to social and political problems for example in the form of restorative justice that de-centers punishment. Although the concept of abolition theoretically applies to Guantanamo, the government has constructed the prison and who it detains as so radically different, that it is rarely part of the conversation.

Since it opened, the US government has tried to frame the men detained at Guantanamo as criminal anomalies, inherently violent, hateful, and irredeemable.

Freedom From The Guantanamo Bay Prison

The arguments used are often circular, following the flawed logic: terrorists are inherently evil and because they are evil, they commit evil acts that are rooted in evil. A prison is a prison is a prison. The Biden administration can and should close Guantanamo as a stop-gap measure, but then we must carry the torch forward and abolish what this prison represents, once and for all. Maha Hilal is an link on institutionalized Islamophobia in the War on Terror. Todayheadline the independent news and topics discovery A home-grown and independent news and topic aggregation. Home Finance. Guantanamo Bay prison should be abolished under Biden February 3, Share on Facebook Share on Twitter.

Guilty until eventually demonstrated guilty

Guantanamo Bay prison has a legacy rooted in white supremacy. Mired in a problematic history and present, including detention and torture, there is nothing that can reform the prison.

Freedom From The Guantanamo Bay Prison

After more than 19 years, the detention facility should be abolished, not just closed. This is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed are those of the author. Visit the Business section of Insider for more stories. Next Post. Trending Comments Latest. Cartel dismembers victims and eats them alive in chilling warning to rivals January 24, Anthony Fauci says anti-vaxxers will stop coronavirus eradication February 9, Trump news live: Latest trial updates February 9, ]

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