Foreign Language In English -

Foreign Language In English

Foreign Language In English - piece

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English as a Foreign Language EFL is the term used to describe the study of English by non-native speakers in countries where English is not the dominant language.

Foreign Language In English

Lajguage is not to be confused with English as a Second Language —also called English as an Additional Language —which is the practice of learning English in a predominantly English-speaking country. According to this theory, there are three concentric circles of World English that can be used to categorize places where English is studied and spoken and map English diffusion.

These are the inner, outer, and expanding circles.

Foreign Language In English

Native Lanugage speakers are in the inner circle, English-speaking countries that have historically adopted English as a second language or lingua franca are in the outer circle, and countries in which English is used some but is not widely spoken are in the expanding circle. The circles represent the different tiers of World Englishes. As English spreads globally, more countries are added to the

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Lannguage And even when considered separate, classifying a country or region as ESL- or EFL-speaking is difficult, as Charles Barber explains briefly in the following excerpt. Moreover, there is a considerable amount of variation in Ehglish roles played by second languages, for example in education, in the fields of discourse used, and in the giving of prestige or power. In India, the medium of instruction in schools was changed Foreign Language In English English to the regional languages after Independence, and subsequently there has been a gradual process of Indianization of the universities, which at one time were all English-medium," Barber The case of English in Indonesia is a unique one because experts can't quite agree on whether English should be considered a foreign language or a second language in this Asian country.

The Fogeign why has to do with how English came to be spoken and how it is primarily used. The Handbook of World Englishes addresses the dispute: "Indonesia, a former Dutch colony, used to emphasize the teaching of Dutch The movement towards English as a foreign language began at independence, and English is now the main foreign language being learned in Indonesia. English is taught for eight or nine years from primary school from Grade 4 or 5 through high school Renandya, The main objective is to provide reading skills to enable Indonesians to science-related materials in English," Bautista and Gonzalez The way that English is taught in a given country Foreign Language In English a key role in determining what variety of English is spoken there.

For example, if the majority of students have spoken Foreign Language In English since birth and you teach exclusively in English, you know that you are dealing with an ENL country. ESL countries are nations where the medium of instruction in education and government is in English, although English may not be the native language. On the other hand, EFL countries do not use English as a medium of instruction but English is taught in schools.

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The methods and approaches of teaching English as a second language and foreign language do differ greatly," Fernandez So how do the methods of teaching English as a second language and as a foreign language differ? English as a second language is learned in environments where English is already regularly spoken; English as a foreign language is learned in environments where English is not spoken.

Lee Gunderson et al. ESL is based on the premise that English is the language of the community and the school and that students have access to English Foreign Language In English. EFL is usually learned in environments where the language of the community and the school is not English. EFL teachers have the difficult task of finding access and Enblish English models for their students. Share Flipboard Email. Richard Nordquist.]

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