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Evolution Immortality and Humanity

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Physical Sciences. A revelatory restoration of wonder' Stephen Greenblatt. We no longer think, like the ancient Chinese did, that the world was hatched from an egg, or, like the Maori, that it came from the tearing-apart of a love embrace. The Greeks told of a tempestuous Hera and a cunning Zeus, but we now use genes and natural selection to explain fear and desire, and physics to demystify the workings of the universe. Science is an astounding achievement, but are we really any wiser than the ancients? Has science revealed the secrets of fate and immortality? Has it provided protection from jealousy or love? There are those who believe that science has replaced faith, but must it also be a death knell for mythology?

Evolution Immortality and Humanity - valuable opinion

The technological singularity —also, simply, the singularity [1] —is a hypothetical point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization. The first use of the concept of a "singularity" in the technological context was John von Neumann. Good 's "intelligence explosion" model predicts that a future superintelligence will trigger a singularity. The concept and the term "singularity" were popularized by Vernor Vinge in his essay The Coming Technological Singularity , in which he wrote that it would signal the end of the human era, as the new superintelligence would continue to upgrade itself and would advance technologically at an incomprehensible rate. He wrote that he would be surprised if it occurred before or after Public figures such as Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk have expressed concern that full artificial intelligence AI could result in human extinction. Although technological progress has been accelerating in most areas though slowing in some , it has been limited by the basic intelligence of the human brain, which has not, according to Paul R. Ehrlich , changed significantly for millennia. If a superhuman intelligence were to be invented—either through the amplification of human intelligence or through artificial intelligence—it would bring to bear greater problem-solving and inventive skills than current humans are capable of. Such an AI is referred to as Seed AI [14] [15] because if an AI were created with engineering capabilities that matched or surpassed those of its human creators, it would have the potential to autonomously improve its own software and hardware or design an even more capable machine. Evolution Immortality and Humanity

It can be used by one person to mean something as simple as change over time, or by another to mean the descent of all life forms from a common ancestor, leaving the mechanism of change unspecified. In its full-throated, biological sense, however, evolution means a process whereby life arose from non-living matter and subsequently developed entirely by natural means. That is the sense that Darwin gave the word, and the meaning that it holds in Evolution Immortality and Humanity scientific community.

Evolution Immortality and Humanity

The theory of evolution is the assertion that every living creature on the planet, whether human, animal, plant, or microbe, ultimately descends from a common ancestor, namely a relatively simple microorganism. It claims that the progression from these single-celled originals to all the varied species of today occurred over the course of billions of years, the various changes occurring slowly over time entirely by blind, Evolution Immortality and Humanity processes like random mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift. As the popular Encyclopedia Britannica explains it:. All living Evolution Immortality and Humanity are related by descent from common ancestors…all plants and animals derive from bacteria-like microorganisms that originated more than 3 billion years ago. First, hereditary variation takes place; second, selection is made of those genetic variants that will be passed on most effectively to the following generations.

Hereditary variation also entails two mechanisms—the spontaneous mutation of one variant into another and the visit web page process that recombines those variants…The variants that arise by mutation or recombination are not transmitted equally from one generation to another. Some may appear more frequently because they are favourable to the organism; the frequency of others may be determined by accidents of chance, called genetic drift.

Notice that the processes are all unplanned, unguided, and purely natural. The mutations are spontaneous.

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Natural selection is just the survival of those mutations that happen to work best in a given environment. The theory of evolution relies on three basic mechanisms to explain how organisms change over time from the common microbial ancestor into all the diverse creatures on Immortaltiy earth today are as follows:. Random mutation: A mutation is a genetic mistake.

Mutations occur during the process of copying DNA within the cells of a living organism. Mutations are almost always harmful to the organism, though on rare occasions they may pass on certain unplanned benefits in a given environment.

Evolution and the Bible: God is the creator

Today, the concept Evolution Immortality and Humanity mutation is the driving force behind the theory of evolution because it is the only one of the three mechanisms that can allegedly just click for source new information. The other two mechanisms can only preserve or discard existing information. Over time, the white-haired version might grow to outnumber and eventually even replace its dark-haired rivals.

The same mutation would make the animal easier for predators to find in, say, a green grassland, and so in that case the white-haired version would quickly die out. This mechanism explains why one finds certain traits in certain places, but cannot explain how the trait arises in the first place. Natural selection can only preserve or eliminate a trait. It cannot produce one. Genetic drift : This term describes scenarios where, over time, one genetic trait surpasses or replaces another in a given population without actually providing any clear survival or reproductive advantage.

It is purely by accidents of chance that one variation on an organism happens to outproduce and thus outnumber or even replace another variation. The squirrels in a given region used to have brownish-red fur and now most of them are grey. They got lucky. This is genetic drift. The idea that organisms change over time is perfectly biblical. Christians agree that genetic mutations do occur and some traits allow organisms Evolution Immortality and Humanity survive and reproduce better than others in a given environment.

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The idea that we are simply the late descendants of a blind chain of birth and death whereby all life descends from an original microbial ancestor, however, is beyond the pale. And the idea that all of this can happen by pure chance without reference to God is obviously in direct opposition to everything the Bible says.

Evolution Immortality and Humanity

Further, Genesis plainly teaches that God made different categories of life as separate, unique acts of creation, and countless other passages affirm this. To take just one example:. You have made Evolution Immortality and Humanity heavens, The heaven of heavens with all their host, The earth and all that is on it, The seas and all that is in them. God created everything and gave life to every creature in heaven, on earth, or in the depths of the sea. Evoution, Scripture treats humanity as a unique, special creation of God made distinctly from the animals:. The Scriptures frequently repeat the fact that God made man supernaturally from both the dirt and the breath of God.]

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