Dogs Are A Man s Best Friend -

Dogs Are A Man s Best Friend Dogs Are A Man s Best Friend.

The special connection between dogs and man is one that transcends age, gender, and culture.

Ever since the moment in history, when man and dogs began to cohabitate, the animals have formed an integral part of our society. Nowadays, most people think of their dogs and treat them as part of their families. We take them on walks, pet their fur, spoil them with Dovs treatsbuy them toys, and take them to appointments such as the vet and the groomer.

We essentially do things and provide facilities that make their lives easier.

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Afe of the main reasons these pets are so endearing is their inability to hold grudges or stay angry. But unlike humans, dogs do not store these unpleasant memories in their brains. Within moments of such actions, the dogs are usually back to their usual playful selves, all traces of the ugly incident forgotten. Although dogs have terrible short-term memories, they never forget the love and devotion they feel towards their human family. This quality is why your dog is always at the door to welcome you back after a long day at work. It is also a significant reason dogs stay on the graves of their deceased handlers and refuse to leave.

The pets are always conscious of the feelings that are being displayed by their beloved human.

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After studying your body language and tone of voice to determine how you feel at that moment, they can replicate that emotion. A warm, deep snuggle with your furry family member is a form of therapy that works for a wide variety of problems or conditions. Dogs tend to provide comfort to their humans in ways that make sense to them.

Dogs Are A Man s Best Friend

Therefore, they bring you their toys, food, chewed shoes, or treats whenever they notice you feeling down. These items make them happy, so in their minds, it should make you happy as well.

Dogs have also been known to offer a paw or hug their owners to comfort them. Dogs, especially puppies, have an endless amount of energy that requires them to always be on the move.

Dogs Are A Man s Best Friend

As pets are dependent on their owners, their need to explore and expend energy usually involves their owners. They keep us active as we are required to play with them, take them on walks or runs and give them enough exercise. These animals have served as security dogs, service dogs, military working dogs, shepherds, cattle herders, bomb, drugs, and disease detectors, and guides for blind people.]

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