Developing A Strong Classroom Community -

Developing A Strong Classroom Community Video

Creating a Positive Classroom Community

Developing A Strong Classroom Community - personal messages

As a well-known leading omnichannel ELT service provider in China, in recent years, the Company has developed its business strategies with a focus on fast-growing business areas, such as junior ELT services. The dual-teacher classroom adopts an innovative approach to teaching, where foreign teachers live stream courses with the help of advanced Internet technology. At the same time, in addition to its original ELT business, the Company continues to move forward with its expansion plan in the K12 field. Meten EdtechX is a leading ELT service provider in China, delivering English language and future skills training for Chinese students and professionals. It offers superior teaching quality and student satisfaction, which are underpinned by cutting edge technology deployed across its business, including AI-driven centralized teaching and management systems that record and analyze learning processes in real time. The Company is committed to improving the overall English language competence and competitiveness of the Chinese population to keep abreast of the rapid development of globalization. Its experienced management is focused on further developing its digital platform and expanding its network of learning centers to deliver a continually evolving service offerings to a growing number of students across China. This announcement contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of Further information regarding these and other risks is included in our annual report on Form F and other documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Developing A Strong Classroom Community

Even in the midst of this pandemic, we can build a strong classroom community where students are respected, ideas are valued, and learning is celebrated. Here are a few ways to cultivate a strong socially-distanced, yet socially responsive, community of learners:.

Developing A Strong Classroom Community

Establish ground rules for the respect and well-being of one another. In-person learning is a privilege, and to keep learning alive, we must wear masks. We must also watch the space between classmates. Make sure to wash hands and sanitize surfaces to keep germs at bay.

Hi, I'm DeedeE.

These 3 simple acts are not only effective ways to help slow the spread, but they are also ways to show respect and care for one another. To help our students develop a deeper understanding of safe practices, model responsible healthy choices. Role-play scenarios that will help students develop the ability to handle tricky situations.

Mark out an example of a safe social distance.

Developing A Strong Classroom Community

Model and post what 6 feet of distance looks like. Help students know and practice appropriate ways to remind a friend to cover their face and keep a safe space. A caring and cohesive class works together to keep Developing A Strong Classroom Community safe and learning. We may be six Developing A Strong Classroom Community apart, but we can still cultivate respectful social interaction. Our students need to know that our classrooms are places where they are physically safe and that their ideas and learning styles are valued. Effective communication is more than speaking, it also includes active listening. Purposefully model the keys to Communiity listening. Help students know that watching eyes, listening ears, still voices article source bodies are all part of being active listeners.

Everyone deserves a chance to share experiences, ask questions, and Communify connections that will enhance their learning. An inclusive classroom community celebrates and builds upon the learning of its members through healthy discussions. Quality discourse can take place even in the midst of a pandemic.

Regular classroom practices, the way we deliver instruction, and the way we share classroom tools and materials has all changed. Teachers and students need to stay flexible and give each other a little grace along the way. Share what is working in your classroom with colleagues.

Video Course

As a classroom community, we can celebrate our successes as a team and can work together to grow from our experiences. COVID has altered our way of life and has put a stop to many Shrong. Although we may not be able to meet every benchmark or check-off every goal, we can celebrate the ongoing learning and positive progress that our students make socially, emotionally, and academically. Celebrate real-life learning—the kind that will last a lifetime. It's a privilege to get back into our classrooms. Yes, we have some challenges.

Developing A Strong Classroom Community

Yes, we must stay physically distant. But, we can still build classroom communities that are socially supportive places for young learners to thrive. Our students are naturally curious and creative and this pandemic has certainly provided us with opportunities to get our creative juices flowing.

Physical distancing is an essential strategy for slowing the spread of COVID, and staying socially connected is an essential component of an effective classroom community that inspires Developing A Strong Classroom Community empowers young learners. Here are a few ways to cultivate a strong socially-distanced, yet socially responsive, community of learners: Set Positive Classroom Expectations. Cover your face.]

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