Descartes and the Existence of God -

Descartes and the Existence of God - assured, that

Now that Descartes has found a piece of certain knowledge—that he exists as a thinking thing—he starts to look around for more of these self- evident truths. He discovers that he has quite a few of them, prominent among these being the truths of mathematics and logic, and he is optimistic about his chances for developing a system of certain knowledge. Then he realizes a kink in his plan. These clear and distinct perceptions are only indubitable so long as he is attending to them. As soon as they fall out of awareness, the doubt can creep back in. Once again, he can begin to wonder whether it was an evil demon who caused him to believe in the certainty of these truths. Suddenly, things do not look too rosy for his system of certain knowledge; if he needs to keep every truth perpetually before his mind, then he cannot expect too make much headway in unraveling the facts of nature. Descartes' solution is to bring God into the picture. By proving that God is the cause of our clear and distinct perception, and that, further, God is perfect in every way and thus no deceiver, he will be able to secure lasting certainty for clear and distinct perceptions. Descartes and the Existence of God Descartes and the Existence of God

Descartes and the Existence of God Video

Descartes Ontological Argument

The paper also provides additional questions to use in writing this assignment paper well. Assignment 1 Answer one of the following questions.

Descartes and the Existence of God

Be sure to cite all sources used. For readings assigned in the course, please cite in text. Sources that come from outside of the course are not required or even recommended, but if used must include a clear reference. Explain the method Descartes will follow in the Meditations.

Descartes’ argument for the existence of God in Meditation 5

State and explain the Sense-Deception Argument use your own example to explain the argument. State and explain the Dream Argument use your own example to explain the argument. Do you think one can tell with perfect certainty if one is dreaming? Defend your answer.

Descartes and the Existence of God

State and explain the Deceptive God Argument use your own example to explain the argument. Why or why not? Thirdly, state and explain the deductive version of the Argument from Evil. Explain this argument by giving examples of both natural and moral evil. Discuss three attempts to respond to this argument. Explain what the defender of the argument from evil will say in response to these arguments.

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In the final analysis, do you think the Argument from Evil is sound? Discuss a problem with your answer to the previous question. Explain how you answer that problem.]

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