Dementia And It s Types -

Remarkable: Dementia And It s Types

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Dementia And It s Types

Loss of memory is the usual first symptom.

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As the disease progresses, the loss of reasoning ability, language, decision-making ability, judgment, and other critical skills make navigating day-to-day living impossible without help from others, most often a family member or friend. Sometimes, but not always, difficult changes in personality and behavior occur. This does not mean that there will no longer be times of joy, shared Tyeps, and companionship. AD often develops gradually, offering time to adjust to the diagnosis, plan ahead, and spend quality time together. Dementia can be caused by many different medical conditions, such as a severe head injury or major stroke. Although the cause and progression of AD are not fully understood, increasing evidence shows that the first changes in the brain happen as much as 15 years before symptoms of dementia are Demejtia by the person with AD.

Certain kinds of brain scans can detect these changes. A number of non-medical, lifestyle practices are recommended for possible prevention, a healthy way to manage the disease, and general age-related well-being. There Dementia And It s Types evidence, but not definitively documented proof, that mental stimulation brain gamesexercise like walking, swimming, yogasocial activities, and a healthy diet fruit, vegetables, and foods high visit web page antioxidants may help. Given what Demdntia know about stroke prevention, maintaining healthy blood pressure, avoiding diabetes or managing it well, keeping cholesterol down, and not smoking are four key things you can do to lower your risk.

This disease can appear as young as age 30, but is click diagnosed after age Dementia And It s Types, and risk of having the disease increases with age.

Vascular Dementia

The genetics of AD are complex, and knowledge is changing rapidly. Except for a small percent of families where a single gene causes the disease, having a family member with AD increases your risk only moderately. Abd with AD may show symptoms of the disease three to five years before diagnosis. Early problems Dementja often seen as normal changes due to aging, and Dementia And It s Types in retrospect do caregivers see that symptoms have been occurring for several years. Although on average, individuals survive four to eight years once diagnosed, living for 20 years is not all that unusual.

For ease in understanding the changes that occur as the disease progresses, AD is generally divided into three stages: early, middle, and late. However, the development of symptoms in an individual will differ from person to person, as will the progression of symptoms. At present there is no single test that leads to a diagnosis of AD.]

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