Comparative Study Between Mla and Apa Style Video
Comparison between APA and MLA writing style Comparative Study Between Mla and Apa Style
Referencing is an essential aspect of academic writing. Every person should have a clear concept regarding the differences between each of the referencing styles, including the difference between MLA and APA. When a student gets enrolled in a university, he is made to study different subjects and topics from the Apq of study chosen by him.
He has to attend lectures, do self-study, appear in various examinations and writing assignments. When it comes to writing assignments, the professors want the assignments to be well-structured and have well-researched content.

He expects the students to follow the required format and search for different peer-reviewed articles, journals, websites, government reports, Comparatkve. A student cannot simply take content from any of the sources without giving it the due credit in his assignments. Referencing is a technique through which the students can provide due credit. But who will teach these students how to reference a source; there are no separate lectures or tutorials. Some professors guide their students about referencing styles, but it is not enough to train the latter on every minute details.
There are many referencing styles, and each of the assignments comes up with one of these styles. It is a professional body for scholars studying language and literature.
The purpose of this association is to promote the study and teaching of language and literature. The MLA style of referencing is quite common in assignments related to humanities. So a student studying humanities must be aware of this style. The style is usually applied while writing literature, or describing a theatrical work of art.
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Like any other referencing style, MLA also comes up with a unique citations style. MLA style of referencing does not include the year of the reference; instead, it includes page numbers.

Grover, Samson. Coping with pandemic related issues. Springer, The above is the entry that will be made in the Works Cited page. The MLA style of referencing includes the last name and the first name of the authors. No initials are used in this referencing style.]
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