Co sleeping Sleep and Bed -

Co sleeping Sleep and Bed - simply

Sleeping close to your little one seems innocent enough. But co-sleeping and bed-sharing have become heated terms, and with so many opinions on either side, it can be hard to figure out the healthiest choice for your family. On the other hand, having your baby sleep in your room, in her own crib or bassinet, can protect against SIDS, not to mention make night wakings and feedings easier to manage. Co-sleeping means sleeping in close proximity to your baby, sometimes in the same bed and sometimes nearby in the same room room-sharing. In other words, bed-sharing is one way of co-sleeping. Advocates say that bed-sharing makes it easier to breastfeed at night and helps babies and parents get more sleep overall. Some say the added snuggle time can help you feel closer to your baby, too. Co sleeping Sleep and Bed Co sleeping Sleep and Bed

Co sleeping Sleep and Bed - has

Throughout the history of the human race, it has been common for members of the same family, parents and children, to sleep in the same bed. Either for reasons of space, economic or by mere habit. This practice known as co-sleeping has developed great fame in recent years and is strongly advocated by those who advocate for attachment-based parenting. However, there is also a great controversy surrounding this practice. Below we describe what it is, its pros and cons. The practice of co-sleeping or family bed refers to the custom in which babies or young children sleep with their parents. This very normalized practice in most parts of the world has become one more way to develop affective and attachment dynamics within the family. Despite the fact that in many occasions or contexts, co-sleeping is only carried out to ensure that the child sleeps warm and well at night, it has been recently that those who follow attachment parenting styles have endowed this practice of benefits for physical and mental health, as well as for the happiness of parents and children. Whichever option is chosen, the decision to practice co-sleeping must be made by consensus between the parents and carried out in a responsible manner, guaranteeing the safety of the baby.

I have touched upon co-sleeping in previous posts but it definitely deserves a post on its own. For the remainder of Co sleeping Sleep and Bed post, I will use co-sleeping to discuss bed-sharing in particular. In other words, this is most likely the reasoning behind why, even if we didn't want to share a bed with our babies, they end up in our beds anyways no matter the amount of times we've heard how dangerous it is to co-sleep. Dr Mckenna states that infants cry less and sleep more sleepint sleeping with their mothers because it makes them While some amazing infant-mother responses occur as well.

Just being close to mom and her smell, movement and touch has been proven to article source crying and regulate the baby's "breathing, body temperature, absorption of calories, stress hormone levels, immune status, and oxygenation.

What is co-sleeping or family bed?

Dr Mckenna states that it is good for an infant to sleep next to their mothers, unless it is practiced dangerously. I have stated this thousands of times and I will say it here as well - Babies should sleep in a clear, empty sleep space.

Co sleeping Sleep and Bed

This is easy to do in a crib, bassinet, sidecar style crib or basket. But I can't feel good about just telling families to do that when the majority of families also bed share or co-sleep for many reasons for some, most or all of the night cultural choices, just Slerp tired, etc. What I can do is make sure families know how to make bed-sharing safer whether you fall asleep on accident or choose to co-sleep full time.

The Lullaby Trust's tried and true advice on safe co-sleeping with your baby is:. A high proportion of infants who die as a result of SIDS are Slee; with their head covered by loose bedding. Follow their other safer sleep advice to reduce the risk of SIDS such as sleeping baby on their back. Co-sleep isn't always a great idea. If it isn't sustainable, mom isn't getting any rest, baby isn't getting any rest, Co sleeping Sleep and Bed bottle feeds either breastmilk or even more so formula more on this later!

Co sleeping Sleep and Bed

There are also instances where it can be very dangerous:. Either you or your partner smokes even if you do not smoke in the bedroom.

The fact that some people sleep next to their baby leads them to enjoy several benefits.

Either you or your partner has drunk alcohol or taken drugs including medications that may make you drowsy. Your baby was born premature 37 weeks or less. Your baby was born at a low weight 2. Speep sleep on a sofa or armchair with your baby, this can increase the risk of SIDS by 50 times. You should never sleep together with your baby if any of the above points apply to you or your partner.

What is co-sleeping, and what is the difference between co-sleeping and bed-sharing?

Breastfeeding mothers have a completely different way of sleeping with their babies and this is fundamental. The natural position is Be make a c shape around the infant. The infants head is tucked under mom's arm so baby's face is aligned with the breast and baby's head isn't close to the pillow see photo below!

Co sleeping Sleep and Bed

The baby naturally lays onto their back once they've finished suckling, so there is little to no worry that baby will roll onto their stomachs.]

One thought on “Co sleeping Sleep and Bed

  1. I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are not right. I can defend the position. Write to me in PM, we will discuss.

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