Brussels, 6. Proposal for a. Text with EEA relevance.
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Background of the proposal. In order to afford European Union EU citizens a high level of human, animal and plant health, and guarantee the functioning of the internal market, Union legislation provides for a set of harmonised rules to prevent, eliminate or reduce the level of health risk to humans, animals and plants, which may arise along the 'agri-food chain', this term being used in a very broad sense, to comprehend all those processes, products and activities which relate to food, its production and handling, and the rules which directly or indirectly, e.
It also includes rules referred to as veterinary and phytosanitary legislation, which deal with risks to animal health and plant health in general, and rules on the identity, Here and quality of plant reproductive material.

Thus this vast acquis governs health risks in the strict sense risks to the integrity of humans, animals and plants from pests, diseases, microbial and chemical contaminants and other hazards and also the preservation of inherent qualities required to ensure a safe start of plant production and regulated production methods i.
It also includes rules established to ensure the provision of information to consumers and Clarified Statements On Auditing Standards guarantee fair commercial practices in agri-food chain products' trade. The proposal revises the legislation on official controls to overcome shortcomings identified in its wording and in its application. It aims to put in place a robust, transparent and sustainable regulatory framework that is better 'fit for purpose'.
Transparency empowers progress and accountability
The proposal Clarified Statements On Auditing Standards and repeals Standxrds Regulation and a number of sectoral acts and provisions which will be made redundant by its adoption. As the proposal is part of a comprehensive package, which also includes three major reviews to modernise the animal health, plant health and plant reproductive material aquisit also aims to modernise and integrate the system of official controls in a manner that consistently accompanies the upgrade of EU policies in these sectors. In order to rationalise and simplify the overall legislative framework, whilst simultaneously pursuing the objective of better regulation, the proposal integrates the rules currently applicable to official controls in specific areas currently governed by separate sets of rules e. Based on an extensive review of the provisions of the Regulation, which highlighted a number of cases where the burden of organising and performing official controls could be reduced by eliminating redundant requirements e.
As regards official controls performed on goods arriving from third countries, the Clarified Statements On Auditing Standards of the Regulation currently apply together with sectoral provisions which govern respectively the imports of animals and animal origin products, those of plant and plant products, and the controls on Om and feed for which a specific risk requires increased attention at the borders. The report adopted by the Commission in December on the effectiveness and consistency of sanitary and phytosanitary controls on imports of food, feed, animals and plants, whilst concluding that the comprehensive body of legislation currently in place allows the EU to deal with emerging risks or emergency situations without causing distortions to trade, also found that the Union's system of import controls could be made more consistent by reviewing and consolidating the existing sectoral acts with Clarified Statements On Auditing Standards to official controls.
The report indicates that this recommendation would bring benefits for MS and operators handling goods from third please click for source, by enabling a more efficient Auditint of controls and a better allocation of public resources employed on import controls. The review of the Regulation was considered a good opportunity to take account of the findings of the report and consolidate controls where possible. The proposal includes therefore a set of common and Stayements rules applicable to controls performed on animals and goods from third countries.

As regards the financing of official controlsthe Regulation confirms the general principle according to which MS should allocate appropriate financial resources to official controls, and also the obligation for Ajditing to collect, in certain areas, so-called 'control fees' to recover from business operators the costs incurred for the performance of official controls. Current rules require that mandatory inspection fees be charged only for official control activities on businesses handling Oklahoma Performing Arts Inc, fishery products, and milk and for the approval of feed establishments and for most controls at borders. Historically, these were the areas where methods of controls by MS competent authorities CAs were first harmonised at EU level; the legislator assumed that in those areas operators benefiting from the added value represented by the assurances provided by the official controls should be called upon to compensate Clarified Statements On Auditing Standards costs incurred by the States because of such controls.
The proposal maintains the system of mandatory fees while introducing the changes necessary to address the shortcomings of the current system. External research3 carried out in to evaluate the application Coarified the financing mechanism established by the Regulation indeed pointed to the see more of problems regarding the application of the relevant rules Articles 26 to 29and concluded that the overall objective of ensuring that competent authorities are provided with adequate financial resources to perform official controls is not being met throughout the EU with a subsequent impact on delivery of controls. It also pointed out the unfairness of a system of mandatory fees whereby only certain sectors would contribute to the financing of official controls, and which would not discriminate effectively between compliant and non-compliant behaviour.
The report recommended reviewing Articles 26 to 29 of the Regulation. Standadrs the consultation period stakeholders have contributed fully, both to the evaluation studies and the preparation of the Impact Assessment IA. Objectives of the proposal. The general objectives of the revision coincide with the Treaty objectives to safeguard the single market while ensuring delivery of a high level of Clarified Statements On Auditing Standards protection.]
Rather good idea
Absolutely with you it agree. It seems to me it is very excellent idea. Completely with you I will agree.
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