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Cinderella Sexism Analysis Cinderella Sexism Analysis

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In evolutionary psychologythe Cinderella effect is the phenomenon of higher incidences of different forms of child abuse and mistreatment by stepparents than by biological parents. It takes its name from the fairy tale character Cinderellawhich is about Cinderella Sexism Analysis girl who is mistreated by her stepsisters and stepmother. Evolutionary psychologists describe the effect as a byproduct of a bias towards kin, and a conflict between reproductive partners of investing in young that are unrelated to one partner. There is both supporting evidence for this theory and criticism against it.

Cinderella Sexism Analysis

In the early s, a theory arose on the connection between stepparents and child Sexsm. Scott summarized information on a sample of "fatal battered-baby cases" perpetrated in anger For over 30 years, data has been collected regarding the validity of the Cinderella effect, with a wealth of evidence indicating a direct relationship between step-relationships and abuse.

Cinderella Sexism Analysis

This evidence of child abuse and homicide comes from a variety of sources including official reports of child abuse, clinical data, victim reports, and official homicide data. Powerful evidence in support here the Cinderella effect comes from the finding that when abusive parents have Cinderella Sexism Analysis step and genetic children, they generally spare their genetic children. In such families, stepchildren were exclusively targeted 9 out of 10 times in one study and in 19 of 22 in another.

For example, Cinderellw average, stepparents invest less in education, play with stepchildren less, take stepchildren to the doctor less, etc. Evolutionary psychologists Martin Daly and Margo Wilson propose that the Cinderella effect is a direct consequence of the Cinderella Sexism Analysis evolutionary theory of inclusive fitnessespecially parental investment theory.

They argue that human child rearing is so prolonged and costly that "a parental psychology shaped by natural selection is unlikely to be indiscriminate". Under such conditions, a net overall increase in reproduction of the social trait in future generations can result.

Cinderella Sexism Analysis

The initial presentation of inclusive fitness theory in the mid s focused on making the mathematical case for the possibility of social evolution, but also speculated about possible mechanisms whereby a social trait could effectively achieve this necessary statistical correlation between its likely bearers.]

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