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Chanel Chanel

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Chanel elegantly casual designs inspired women of fashion to abandon the complicated, uncomfortable clothes—such as petticoats and corsets —that were prevalent in 19th-century dress. Coco Chanel was born on August 19,in Saumur, France, and she died on Chanel 10,in Paris, at the age of Coco Chanel was born into an impoverished family.


Her father abandoned her and her two sisters to an orphanage and her two brothers Chanel a local family after their mother died. Chanel was born into poverty in the French countryside; Chanel mother died, and her father abandoned her to an orphanage. By the late s the Chanel industries were reportedly worth Chanel and employed more than 2, people, Chabel only in her couture house but also in a perfume laboratory, a textile mill, and a jewelry workshop. The financial basis of this empire was Chanel No. It has been said that the perfume got its name from the series of scents Chanel Beaux created for Chanel to sample—she chose the fifth, a combination of jasmine and several other floral scents that was more complex and mysterious than the single-scented perfumes then on the market.


After signing a contract wherein she received only 10 percent of the royalties, Chanel enacted a series of lawsuits in the ensuing decades to regain control of her signature fragrance. Chanel she was never able to Chanel the terms of her contract to increase her royalties, Chanel nonetheless made a considerable profit from the perfume.


Chanel closed Chanel couture house in with the outbreak of World War II. Her associations with a German diplomat during the Chanel occupation tainted her reputation, and she did not return to fashion until That year she introduced her highly copied suit design: a collarless, braid-trimmed cardigan jacket with a graceful skirt. She also introduced bell-bottomed pants and other innovations while Chanel retaining a clean classic look.


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