Barack ObamaS Speech Analysis -

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Barack ObamaS Speech Analysis - pity, that

Everyone knows about the Jewish-Muslim tussle over claims to rule Jerusalem, with its Palestinian lie that Jerusalem has no role in Judaism , and also the pro-Israel rebuttal that the Koran does not mention Jerusalem. But there's another heated, if less public, battle over Jerusalem Arabic: Al-Quds : not about the right to rule the city, but authority over the Temple Mount Arabic: Al-Haram ash-Sharif , the holy esplanade containing two antique and holy edifices, the Dome of the Rock built in and Al-Aqsa Mosque Each has distinctive strengths and goals. Continue Reading. When American citizens pressure their government in favor of Israel, some foreign policy mandarins snootily condemn this as privileging an ethnic group's narrow priorities over the disinterested formulation of foreign policy. In the s, critics of Israel blamed the "Jewish lobby" for obstructing an anti-Soviet alliance. Barack ObamaS Speech Analysis

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