Analysis Of Guernica By Picasso -

Analysis Of Guernica By Picasso Video

Great Art Explained: Picasso’s Guernica Analysis Of Guernica By Picasso Analysis Of Guernica By Picasso

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We found that due to the cartoon being published without its facts or even its year of circulation, it causes limits to the teaching practice. Teachers end up searching for more information to work with. Given the teachers' difficulties to supply an Argentinian historical, cultural and political context to the object of analysis, we propose instead teachers use of historical, cultural and political aspects of Spain, as well as the bombing of Guernica. This is conceivable because Quino plays with this possibility when using Pablo Picasso's Guernica, a canvas painted in memory of the fascist attack of the Spanish city.

Analysis Of Guernica By Picasso

Hence, we discuss the specificity of political cartoons, what genre represents and its characteristics so that we approach external elements such as the life and works of Picasso, the Spanish Civil War, the bombing of Guernica and the canvas produced by the Spanish painter. From these aspects we begin the reading of the political cartoon, making connection with the Spanish history, culture and politics. Sua representatividade ocorre por meio de um quadro ou mais.

The Influence Of Abstract And Modern Art

No entanto, foi como Pablo Picasso que ficou conhecido. Tais atitudes desencadearam no rompimento da ajuda que recebia de familiares. Pouco importa a realidade objetiva. Este consiste na. EmPicasso pintou Guernica. O golpe comandado por Sanjurjo teve apoio de monarquistas e da Igreja.

Analysis Of Guernica By Picasso

Mussolini ajudou aos rebeldes e Hitler a Franco. A Espanha estava dividida, de um lado o governo Republicano e, de outro, os nacionalistas liderados por Franco. Mais de pessoas foram mortas e novecentas ficaram feridas.]

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