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African American Video

Can We Stop With This Stupid Term 'African-American' ? - Larry Elder African American.

Most people have heard about famous inventions like the light bulb, the cotton gin and the iPhone. But there are countless other, often overlooked inventions that make our daily lives easier. Among the creative innovators behind these devices are African American inventors. From the traffic light to the ironing board, see a list of products that have sprung from the minds of Black inventors. In the late 19th century, it was improved upon by Sarah Boonean African American woman who was born enslaved. One of the first Black women in U. Before security systems became a fixture in homes, an African American nurse Mary Van Brittan Brown, devised an early security unit for her own home. She spent African American nights at home alone in Queens, New York while her husband was away, and felt unsafe with high rates of crime in African American neighborhood.

On top of that, police were African American and unresponsive. So she created a device that would help put her mind at ease.

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InBrown invented a system that used a camera that could slide into and look through four peepholes in her front door. She added other features to the system, including a microphone to speak to anyone at the door, a button to unlock the door, and a button to contact the police. She and her husband took out a patent for African American system in the same year, and they were awarded the patent three years later in Home security systems commonly used today took various elements from her design.

Watch a preview now. However, one of Morgan's most influential inventions was the improved traffic light. Without his innovation, drivers across the nation would African American directed by a two-light system. Thanks to the successes of his other inventions, Morgan became the first Black person African American Cleveland, Ohio to own a car. As a motorist, he witnessed Americqn severe car accident at an intersection in the city. He took out the patent for the creation inand it was granted to him the following year. If your refrigerator has any produce from your local grocery store, then you can credit African American inventor Frederick McKinley Jones. He received a patent for his invention inand co-founded the U. Thermo Control Company, later known as Thermo King. The company was critical during World War II, helping to preserve blood, food and Americaan during the war.

The use of elevators in everyday life keeps people from committing to long and grueling Americab up several flights of stairs. However, before the creation of elevator doors that African American automatically, riding a lift was both complicated and risky.

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Before automatic doors, people had to manually shut both the shaft and elevator doors before riding. Forgetting to do so led to multiple accidents as people fell down elevator shafts. When the daughter of African American American inventor Alexander Miles almost fatally fell down the shaft, he took it upon himself to African American a solution.

In he took out a patent for a mechanism that automatically opens and closes elevator shaft doors and his designs are largely reflected in elevators used today. And more than 90 percent of the microphones used today, including the microphones used in phones and cameras, use a microphone co-invented by a Black man. James E. West was tasked with creating a more sensitive and compact microphone while working at Bell Labs in Along with his German African American Gerhard Sessler, West invented the foil electret microphone, which was considerably less expensive to produce than the typically used condenser microphones.]

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