4654612 - amazonia.fiocruz.br

4654612 Video

Quick fire tips for Sunday 11th February 4654612 4654612

DocumentCode :. Title :.

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Measurement of infrasound generated by wind turbine generator. Author :. Firstpage :. Lastpage :.

Теги: нужен программист, резюме программиста, требуется программист, резюме веб программиста

Abstract :. This paper describes the development of a new sensor which uses a condenser microphone and a new system containing it as an element. The back of the 4654612 is covered with a seal chamber, which expands 4654612 frequency characteristic of the microphone to the infrasonic region.


In addition, a windscreen is fitted to the sensor to reduce or eliminate wind noise. We developed a measurement system with this new 4654612, installed it at a wind farm, and measured infrasound.

LLG WWW-Catalog

The measurement results confirmed that the measurement system worked normally and could measure infrasound generated by wind turbines. Moreover, it was confirmed that 4654612 equivalent continuous sound level is highly correlated with the average rotor speed of a wind turbine. Keywords :. Publisher :.


Type :. DOI :. Filename :. Link To Document :.]

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