William Shakespeare s Othello At The Globe - amazonia.fiocruz.br

William Shakespeare s Othello At The Globe.

The main characters of the Italian work-moor, Dizdemona, Ensign, wife of Ensign and Captain by nature similar to Desdemona honest, faithful, lovingLieutenant Yago cunning, meanEmily devoted to her mistress and spending a lot of time with her and Lieutenant Cassio a good officer and a true friend Shakespeare. The main plot difference between the works lies in conflict reason: Cintia Ensign loves Desdemona and revenge and her and Maura out of jealousy; Shakespeare Iago hates Othello because of lost officers and suspicion that Emilia has been unfaithful to him with the moor.

The handkerchief with a characteristic Arabic pattern, presented by the protagonist to his wife as a wedding gift, in both stories becomes the main proof of the betrayal of Desdemona: only Chintio steals his three-year-old daughter of the Ensign, and Shakespeare Venetian herself loses a thing that Emilia then, as a faithful wife, reports Jago. The murder of Desdemona in the Italian novel committed Ensign. He is developing his plan: to score Wililam miserable sand-filled stocking, then down at her body in the ceiling. Death moor, Cintio comes from the hands of the relatives of Desdemona, Shakespeare — the hero himself deprives himself of life, realizing that made the mistake and killed the only thing worth living for.

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Artistic images of the heroes of the tragedy-live, bright, realistic. In each of them you can find both positive and negative features. The first deception of the Venetian woman is caused by love, the second-by fear and unwillingness to upset the beloved husband, the third — by attempt to protect Othello. The character of Iago is a cunning combination of cruelty and the incredible logic that accompanies all his tOhello.

The Lieutenant is calculating each step in advance, guided in his intrigues exact knowledge of the psychological characteristics of the people he plays.

He catches Rodrigo on the passionate love for Desdemona, Othello is the fear of losing that harmony which he found in a relationship with a Venetian, and Cassio — the natural kindness and naivety, Emilia — weakness.

The immorality of Yago does not find obstacles because of his communication with people who are morally pure, who do not imagine that someone especially a close friend can fall to lies, lies and betrayal. Little Iago to avenge Othello one: along the way, he still wants to cash in on Rodrigo, out of the way, to destroy Cassio and Desdemona, William Shakespeare s Othello At The Globe existence is abhorrent to his ideas of female essence. The Af is most clearly manifested in the conversation of the Venetian woman with Emilia: Desdemona does not believe Shakepeare wives are able to change their husbands, while the wife of Jago believes that women are arranged in the same way as men, respectively, nothing prevents them from behaving similarly. Emilia does not see anything wrong in treason, when the husband throws his wife or her husband for treason, a woman is offered a whole world in which she can give her act any color.]

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