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Why Are We Obsessed with Celebrities? - Tim Wu What Makes A Famous Person

John You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me point to me. The scriptures are doors and gates.

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They are not an end in themselves. They are an entry and point to a person.

What Makes A Famous Person

The letter in itself has no saving or transforming power. Many of these lecturers and teachers of theology are not even born again.

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You advance until you have an encounter with the person it talks about. You can have the right sayings and correct theology but have no experience and your life remains questionable. The changing power is not in the letter of the word. We must advance in our quest in the search of the scripture until we encounter and have an experience with the person behind the scriptures. The Author put https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/essay/pathetic-fallacy-examples/women-s-organizational-effectiveness-leadership-styles.php these letters Whst that we can meet and experience Him.

Studying the word is not about knowing the letter by the head, memorizing and speaking it out loud. It must create a desire and a thirst and drive us to a place What Makes A Famous Person ambition and longing to encounter Him that authored the word.

What Makes A Famous Person

When you meet the author, the person of the Holy Spirit, your life will Persson the results of the word! So when you open up your bible, always ask the Holy Spirit to show you, Jesus, within the word, your bible study will take on another dimension. Believing will lead you to a place of an encounter and experience.

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Every time you believe a word, you will encounter it. It will become flesh and produce results in your life. The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life…. When we meet the author, transformation takes place. The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God…Ephesians Until the Holy Spirit reels the sword in your life, you are still stuck with the letter. The Holy Spirit always introduces us to Jesus since He is the one https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/essay/is-lafayette-a-hidden-ivy/members-of-the-club-reflections-on-life.php went to the cross for us.

What Makes A Famous Person

These are written that you may believe Jesus is the Christ…John Believing will lead you to a place of an encounter and experience. All things are possible to him who believes … Mark Belief takes the letter and thrusts you into the scene of reality.]

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