What Is The Theme Of If I - amazonia.fiocruz.br

What Is The Theme Of If I

What Is The Theme Of If I - not logical

English , Answers: 2. Answer from: ovebrown. Answer from: casie Day 1: separated light from darkness day 2: skyday 3: land and waterday 4: sun,moon and starsday 5: creatureday 6: man and humanday 7: rested. Another question on English. How does a writer support a counter claim after stating it? Select the correct answer. Which evidence from the text best supports the idea that malcolm and donalbain believe they need to flee scotland before someone tries to murder them too?

What Is The Theme Of If I - valuable

. What Is The Theme Of If I

The poem If can be viewed as a set of guidelines on how to live and act with integrity and right values such that one becomes the ideal human. Each of the four stanzas deals with different life situations and the best way to act during them.

What Is The Theme Of If I

The poem If does not have a conspicuous physical setting. Wyat token of personal philosophy and wisdom which the father imparts to his son has universal validity. Read below and refer to additional links for If summary. It has been divided into four identical stanzas of eight lines each.


Hence, the poem has thirty two lines in total. The meter of the stanzas is iambic pentameterwhich means each line can be divided into five feet with one unstressed and stressed syllable each in that order. This gives the form of the poem a sense of cohesion and order which is very much in keeping with the central idea of the poem which advocates an ordered and controlled lifestyle.

Iambic Pentameter invests an ambience of control and order to any poem. Life only has meaning when click the following article has been lived meaningfully and our identity as human beings can only be ratified in the real sense of the term if we live virtuously by following a set of high moral codes and conduct.

In course of the thirty two lines of the poem, Kipling advocates the Wgat of composure, patience, integrity, modesty, control, perseverance, tolerance determination, confidence — for a here to cite. This poem is the like a rule book to perfect the art of living and being human. The over-arching theme of What Is The Theme Of If I poem If is successful virtuous Iw based on values pertaining to integrity, rightful behavior and self-development.

The poem speaks to each and every reader on what it means to become a complete man and how he operates through the thick and thins of life.

What Is The Theme Of If I

The various values and codes of conduct imparted through the poem form the different sub-themes of the poem, which are as follows:. Rightful Behavior: Most of what this poem advocates deals with rightful behavior such as keeping a calm head and maintaining composure during times of crisis instead of indulging in blame games. The poet also adds that we must not deal with lies or brew hatred in our hearts even if the ones around us are doing the same.

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Upon achieving success or failure the poet advocates the rightful stance of not letting any of these promotions or set-backs influencing us. Instead we must understand the temporary nature of the ups and downs in life and go about our business in a steadfast, unaffected fashion. Modesty: Modesty is one theme which shines out in the poem.

What Is The Theme Of If I

Money often comes in suit with arrogance. The poet urges his readers to practice modesty upon getting successful in life so that he can fit in seamlessly with the kings as well as the common masses.]

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