For the: The Writing Style Of Salinger In The
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The Writing Style Of Salinger In The | 3 days ago · English 2 CPE The Cather in the Rye Author emulation essay – Q2 In the spirit of The Catcher in the Rye and J.D. Salinger’s writing style, you are to rewrite a scene from a film in the style of the novel. Your narrator should speak like Holden, there should be dialogue and you should have at least 5 paragraphs but no more than The film you choose is up to you, but please be school. 3 days ago · Salinger quickly became one of the most well-known and popular American writers. Only two weeks after its publication, The Catcher in the Rye reached the New York Times best-seller list and the novel attracted more readers over the years. By the year the book had been sold over half a million times in the United States. 3 days ago · In Jerome David Salinger published his novel The Catcher in the Rye. Salinger quickly became one of the most well-known and popular American writers. Only two weeks after its publication, The Catcher in the Rye reached the New York Times best-seller list and the novel attracted more readers over the years. By the year [ ]. |
Insecurity and Safeguarding Ideal: The Catcher in the Rye
Salinger quickly became Tbe of the most well-known and popular American writers. Only two weeks after its publication, The Catcher in the Rye reached the New York Times best-seller list and the novel attracted more readers over the years. By the year the book had been sold over half a million times in the United States. In it had already been published in nine different countries.
In that same year in the United States the New American Library the book in its first paperback edition, which were at the time very popular under high school and college students and the book attracted more young readers.
From the start many considered the book to be unsuitable for youngsters to read, and they condemned the Tue behaviour and foul language that the story features. The Catcher in the Rye was considered a dangerous novel and its protagonist Holden Caulfield a bad role model for the readers. At the time Salinger changed much about the definition of what a hero should be like: Holden is an underachiever and a liar, who talks with slang. At the same time the reader sympathizes with Holden, since his intentions are good.
The Catcher in the Rye is written from the perspective Holden, who looks back on his adventures of the previous three days. After being kicked out of his prep school Pencey, Holden decides to leave the place, just a few days before the start of the Christmas break. Throughout the entire book no complicated plots unfold, nothing really happens besides Holden expressing his thoughts and reminiscing about what happened to him.
More important than the actual story is the way Holden tells it. This way he creates distance from, we later conclude, painful memories.
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Holden is depressed: he is an outcast, kicked out of school again and the loser who left the fencing equipment on the Salnger, thereby making his team lose before even having started the game. Moreover, to the reader it slowly becomes clear that Holden is severely traumatized by the death of his younger brother Ally and of his former classmate James Castle. Because he does not want to tell his parents he failed all his classes and needs to change schools again, Holden does not return home directly but goes wandering through New York City for three days. During his journey, he starts conversations with many different people, Wrting as a taxi-driver, a prostitute, an old The Writing Style Of Salinger In The and a former teacher.
While desperately looking for someone to talk to, mainly about his fears of becoming an adult, he does not succeed in getting anyone to listen to him. Holden is obsessed with the desire to protect innocence. In the end Holden finally succeeds in finding someone to talk to: his sister Phoebe.]
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