The Truth And What Is A Lie -

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Some anti-China forces in the West, including the United States, have concocted and disseminated plenty of false information about China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Xinjiang-related issues are not about human rights, ethnicity or religion at all, but about combating violent terrorism and separatism.

The Chinese government has launched anti-terrorism and deradicalization efforts in Xinjiang in accordance article source the law to protect people's lives, which has garnered ardent support of people from all ethnic groups. People in the region continue to embrace peace and prosperity and Xinjiang society continues to develop steadily. These facts are the most powerful tool to debunk lies on Xinjiang.

All citizens are responsible

Facts and truthfulness will eventually bust all lies. Please see the attachment for the full text. Fifty-six ethnic groups are closely united as family members, just like pomegranate seeds that stick together, to build a beautiful homeland, maintain social stability, and realize economic development and prosperity, flourishing cultural heritage preservation, ethnic unity and harmony, and freedom of religious belief, with people of different ethnic groups living and working in peace and contentment.

However, some anti-China forces in the West, including the United States, have concocted and disseminated plenty of false information about Xinjiang. They have smeared China's image, slandered its policies on Xinjiang, interfered in China's internal affairs, and attempted to deceive the international community and disrupt the stability and development of Xinjiang.

The Truth And What Is A Lie

Lies may mislead people for a while, but cannot win the trust of the world. The Chinese government has launched anti-terrorism and de-radicalization efforts in Xinjiang in accordance with the law to protect people's lives, which has garnered ardent support of people from all ethnic groups.


These facts are the most powerful tool to debunk lies surrounding Xinjiang. We have chosen some typical Xinjiang-related rumors and lies fabricated by anti-China forces, and debunked them with facts to set the record straight. Lie No. Facts: In recent years, the Uygur population in Xinjiang has been growing steadily.

The Truth And What Is A Lie

From tothe Uygur population in Xinjiang rose from The growth rate of the Uygur population is not only higher than that of Xinjiang's total population, which is The region has made unprecedented achievements in economic and social development and improvement of people's livelihood.

From tothe GDP of Xinjiang increased from ]

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