The Theme Of Homo Eroticism Within The Video
How Bob Dylan Took on the Music MediaThe Theme Of Homo Eroticism Within The - something
LGBT themes in mythology occur in mythologies and religious narratives that include stories of romantic affection or sexuality between figures of the same sex or that feature divine actions that result in changes in gender. These myths are considered by some modern queer scholars to be forms of lesbian , gay , bisexual , or transgender LGBT expression, and modern conceptions of sexuality and gender have been retroactively applied to them. Many mythologies ascribe homosexuality and gender fluidity in humans to the action of gods or of other supernatural interventions. The alleged presence of LGBT themes in mythologies has become the subject of intense study. The application of gender studies and queer theory to non-Western mythic tradition is less developed, but has grown since the end of the twentieth century. The status of mythology varies by culture. Myths are generally believed [ by whom? Cultures may regard myths as containing psychological or archetypal truths. Myths may explain and validate the social institutions of a particular culture, [5] as well as educate the members of that culture. This societal role has been posited for stories that included same-sex love, which educate people as to the correct attitude to adopt toward same-sex sexual activity and gender constructions. The Theme Of Homo Eroticism Within TheRefworks Account Login. Open Collections.
UBC Theses and Dissertations
UBC Theses and Dissertations. Featured Collection. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the of my department or by his or her representatives.
It is understood that copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Hpmo this paper, I argue that such spaces constructed at the level of fantasy may create an alternative form of women's sexual subjectivity, agency and identity that radically links women in the fantasy sphere of homoeroticism in ways distinct from Euro-North American discourses of sexuality.
By examining popular Japanese literature and women's magazines, I interpret some aspects of Japanese women's homosocial and homoerotic culture, addressing the ways that analytical attention to fantasy may invite discussion concerning a diversity of cross-cultural gender and sexual ideologies. My research has been conducted through, but not limited to, my original collection of literature, comic books, TV programs, popular Thf magazines, counter-cultural newsletters, documentary Thems and pornographic movies. I analyze contemporary discourses of gender, sexuality and fantasy circulated in women's magazines, newsletters, comic books and pornography in Japanese culture. How do we make sense of conventional images of women's beauty alongside images of sexual practices that disrupt conventional patriarchal heterosexuality, including images of sex between women, or between men, The Theme Of Homo Eroticism Within The, dolls, animation characters or even cyborgs, that are created by and for women?
I argue that Japanese women's gender and sexuality are represented and discussed ambiguously, and that rich, multilayered fantasies challenge strict gender and heterosexual norms in ways that may be seen as politicizing and empowering.

Introduction 1 1. Discourses of Gender and Sexuality among Japanese Women 6 2. Consumption of Pornographic Comic Books by and for Women 19 3.
I am much obliged to my supervisor, Professor Becki Ross, whose encouragement helped me in the research and writing of this thesis. Thank you for agreeing to supervise me beyond regional specialty, for close reading of the final version of the source, and for your many corrections and suggestions for improvement. Her continuous support and encouragement, and the rich knowledge and critical thoughts she shared in seminar classes and at conferences were essential in helping me to progress towards this degree.

I would like to give my special thanks to Ms. Kurano, the editor-in-chief of Misuto at Ozora Shuppan at the time of its publication, for her kindness and consideration, and for her generous contribution of issues of Misuto and other related literature. I believe women like her are a key part of reconstructing women's sexual possibilities, and the efforts and contribution of her and her fellow women co-editors are tremendously important in the creation and maintenance of images of multilayered sexuality of women in Japan. I would also like to thank my friends and family for support during this work.
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Especially, thanks Bethany for her sincere attitude towards helping to proofread my paper whenever I needed. Big thanks go to my father always believing in me and supporting Withjn financially. Finally, I would like to gratefully acknowledge the enthusiastic and endless support of Professor Liza Cerroni-Long, who, with her intellect and humor, taught me the fun of and passion for analyzing culture.
Introduction When visiting bookstores or corner convenience stores in Japan, one can see many pornographic comic books, displayed prominently at the front of the magazine racks.

Many of these comic books are created by and for women, with their target audience being middle-class adult women.]
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