The s Theory On Mcdonaldization And The -

The s Theory On Mcdonaldization And The The s Theory On Mcdonaldization And The. The s Theory On Mcdonaldization And The

Marx Weber is the third and last philosopher who was seen as one of the founding fathers of sociology with Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim. Weber was a German sociologist, economist, and philosopher who lived from to Weber focused mainly on rationalization, secularization, and disenchantment.

Whereas all three-sociologist examined modernization and the modernization process, Weber viewed this as a process of rationalization that is with an eye toward the increasing organization of all forms of social life in accordance with the principles of efficiency and the application TThe increasingly sophisticated technology.

They were also introduced comparative interpretative sociology that is the study of how culture and values inform. For Weber rationalization, provided the key driver for modern social and economic life. He showed how values and ideas might shape societies through the meaningful social actions of its members.

The s Theory On Mcdonaldization And The

Again, Weber made contributions to the sociology of religion and comparative-historical methods using ideal types. These ideal types are the idea of ideal types Informed his sociology of religion. The most significant transition for sociology in the thinking of Max Weber was his emphasis on meaningful social actionthat is, an action that is oriented toward the behavior of others and interpretative analysis of this and their stand, or that is understanding of action from the viewpoint of the social actor. He developed his ideas because of the changing social structures in society. This happened because of the Industrial Revolution. What are their motivations, and how did this situation come to be? He did not aim to predict behavior, but he really wanted to understand what led to his observed behavior.

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He did not think that we could use only our senses and observations to understand society. We have to use interpretation to figure out the meanings and motivations individuals attribute to their own behavior. Also, he did not believe he could use only one cause to explain the situation. An explanation can be very complicated and can have different factors Mcdonnaldization weigh in. His method is very different from Marx and Durkheim.

They wanted to explain changes in society by a big overarching theory. First, efficiency refers to the drive for efficiencies by formal social organizations.]

The s Theory On Mcdonaldization And The

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