The Role of Women in Japanese Society -

The Role of Women in Japanese Society

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Kimono is a traditional attire in Japan. Kimono is worn by both men and women. There are many details when it comes to an art of wearing a kimono: a choice of fabric, a pattern, season, and an occasion it is for - everything counts. The modern Kimono is usually worn by women, but the unisex varient, the summer cotton yukata, is popular with men, too. Kimono is tied with an Obi a silk, cotton or linen cloth around the waist. Join this incredible talk about Japanese kimono and female role in a modern society and dive into intimate traditions of this mysterious culture. Join this incredible talk about Japanese kimono, female role in a modern society. The Role of Women in Japanese Society

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Although women in Japan were recognized as having equal legal rights to men after World War IIeconomic conditions for women remain unbalanced. Women in Japan obtained the right to vote in The Role of Women in Japanese Society The extent to which women could participate in Japanese society has varied over time and social classes. In the 8th century, Japan had women emperors, and in the 12th more info during the Heian periodwomen in Japan could inherit property in their own names and manage it by themselves: "Women could own property, be educated, and were allowed, if discrete sicto take lovers.

From the late Edo periodthe status of women declined. In the 17th century, the " Onna Daigaku link, or "Learning for Women", by Confucianist author Kaibara Ekkenspelled out expectations for Japanese women, stating that "such is the stupidity of her character that it is incumbent on her, in every particular, to distrust herself and to obey her husband".

During the Meiji periodindustrialization and urbanization reduced the authority of fathers and husbandsbut at the same time the Meiji Civil Code of specifically the introduction of the "ie" system denied women legal rights and subjugated them to the will of household heads.

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In interviews with Japanese housewives in Socifty, researchers found that socialized feminine behavior in Japan followed several patterns of modesty, tidiness, courtesy, compliance, and self-reliance. Tidiness included personal appearance and a clean home. Courtesy, another trait, was called upon from women in domestic roles and in entertaining guests, extended to activities such as preparing and serving tea.

The Role of Women in Japanese Society

Lebra's traits for internal comportment of femininity compliance; for example, children were expected not to refuse their parents.

Self-reliance of women was encouraged because needy women were seen as a burden on others. In these interviews with Japanese families, Lebra found that girls were assigned helping tasks while boys were more inclined to be left to schoolwork.

The Role of Women in Japanese Society

Although Japan remains a socially conservative society, with relatively pronounced The Role of Women in Japanese Society rolesJapanese women and Japanese society are quite different from the strong stereotypes that exist in foreign media or travel guides, which paint the women in Japan as 'submissive' and devoid of any self-determination. As the new de facto ruler of Japan, Douglas MacArthur ordered the drafting of a new constitution for Japan in February Other postwar reforms opened education institutions to women and required that women receive equal pay for equal work. Inthe Equal Employment Opportunity Law took effect. Legally, few barriers to women's equal participation in the life of society remain. However, socially they lack opportunities in the workforce due to the long work hours and dominance in the workplace men.]

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