The Post War Era Of Reconstruction -

The Post War Era Of Reconstruction Video

Reconstruction and 1876: Crash Course US History #22

The Post War Era Of Reconstruction - apologise

February 3, in History. Between and , the U. April 20, The Ku Klux Klan Act of To suppress Black economic and political rights in the South during Reconstruction, the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups like the Knights of the White Camelia were formed to enforce the Black Codes and terrorize Black people and any white people who supported them. The Third Enforcement Act or the Ku Klux Klan Act of , as it is better known, allowed federal troops to make hundreds of arrests in South Carolina, forcing perhaps 2, Klansmen to flee the state. March 1, Civil Rights Act of The last major piece of major Reconstruction legislation, the Civil Rights Act of , guaranteed African Americans equal treatment in public transportation, public accommodations and jury service. The Post War Era Of Reconstruction The Post War Era Of Reconstruction.

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The Post War Era Of Reconstruction

Members of the first South Carolina legislature after the Civil War. Approximately 2, Black men were elected to office during the post-war Reconstruction period, which briefly provided political and social power to formerly enslaved people before a backlash ushered in an era of segregation.

On April 11,U. President Abraham Lincoln spoke to an ecstatic crowd at the White House. Instead, he made a case for stitching the country back together after the Civil War by restoring rebel states to the Union and undoing the Reconstrjction of slavery. The ensuing period of reform and rebuilding, known as Reconstruction, briefly succeeded in providing Black people with political and social power.

The End of Reconstruction

But it was marred by tragedy, political infighting, and a disastrous backlash that set the stage for more than a century of segregation and voter suppression. Lincoln wanted to make it easy for them to return, fearing that harsh a plan would Recomstruction reunification impossible.

Those who took the oath would be pardoned, and states that cleared the bar could draft new constitutions and convene state governments. President Abraham Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation indeclaring that all enslaved people within the rebel states would be freed.

The Post War Era Of Reconstruction

It would take another two years to abolish slavery throughout the nation with the passage of the 13th Amendment. Former Confederates would click stripped of their right to vote, while formerly enslaved Black men would gain it. However, Lincoln thought the plan was too punitive and refused to sign it. As Confederate defeat became inevitable, Union leaders turned their attention to the future prosperity of enslaved people. In JanuaryGeneral William Tecumseh Sherman issued an The Post War Era Of Reconstruction to seize land from slaveholders in occupied Georgia and South Carolina and divide it among freedmen. Congress also set out to enshrine emancipation in the Constitution by passing the 13th Amendment on January 31,abolishing slavery. Lincoln Poost it clear that in order to rejoin the Union, Confederate states would have to agree to ratify the amendment.

Tragedy reshaped the trajectory of Reconstruction—and ultimately undermined its promise. On April 15, —just days after his final speech—Lincoln was assassinated and Reconstrction vice president, Andrew Johnson, became president. He made no attempt to integrate Black people into southern institutions. Johnson allowed former Confederate states to create all-white governments.

Wartime Reconstruction

When Congress reconvened in Decemberits new members included many high-ranking Confederates, including former Vice President of the Confederacy Alexander Hamilton Stephens. Although Congress refused to admit them, Johnson had made his sympathies clear. William Andrew Johnson—pictured here during a visit to Washington, D. Although Johnson freed the people he had enslaved before taking office, he remained sympathetic to former slave states after the Civil War. His leniency would have disastrous consequences for Black people in the South, where former Confederates quickly established a slavery-like system to ensure white dominance and exploit Black labor.

The Post War Era Of Reconstruction

All white people could legally enforce the codes. The codes prompted other former Confederate states to enact copycat laws.

Presidential Reconstruction

In order to reestablish ties to the Union, rebel states had to let Congress review their constitutions, extend voting rights to all men, and ratify the 13 th and 14 th Amendments. Although citizenship technically guaranteed Black men the right to vote, most were kept from southern polls through violence and intimidation. What changed? Men who had once been enslaved now constituted a political majority throughout much of the South—and most were fervent Republicans. Hundreds of thousands of Black men registered to vote, and between andabout 2, served were elected to public office. Raineya formerly enslaved man The Post War Era Of Reconstruction in became the first Black U. Senator in White Southerners resented what they saw as overly punitive policies and argued that Black people were racially inferior and unfit to govern. This white backlash spawned paramilitaries and hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan, which terrorized Black lawmakers and would-be voters.

White Southerners carried out mass lynchingsattempted to overthrow Reconstruction governments, and fought their policies in court.]

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