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A Message to Health Care Professionals: Teen Pregnancy

Charming: The Effect Of Teenage Pregnancy On Children

The Effect Of Teenage Pregnancy On Children 764
The Effect Of Teenage Pregnancy On Children The hormonal theory of sexuality holds that, just as exposure to certain hormones plays a role in fetal sex differentiation, such exposure also influences the sexual orientation that emerges later in the adult. Prenatal hormones may be seen as the primary determinant of adult sexual orientation, or a co-factor with genes, biological factors and/or environmental and social conditions. 5 days ago · The causes of teenage pregnancy are both social an also economical. The lack of knowledge on the consequences of teenage pregnancy among the teenagers is the primary factor that leads to teenagers to engage in irresponsible sexual practices. Another contributing factor is the up bringing of the children. An Overview Of Teenage Pregnancy. May 14,  · Background School dropout has been linked to early pregnancy and marriage but less is known about the effect of school performance. We aimed to assess whether school performance influenced age at sexual debut, pregnancy and marriage, and from what age school drop-out and performance were associated with these later life events. Methods Data from – from a Cited by: 7.
The Effect Of Teenage Pregnancy On Children 365
The Effect Of Teenage Pregnancy On Children Comparing Reality And Identity In The Matrix
The Effect Of Teenage Pregnancy On Children The Effect Of Teenage Pregnancy On Children

School dropout has been linked to early pregnancy and marriage but less is known about the effect of school performance. We aimed to assess whether school performance influenced age at sexual debut, pregnancy and marriage, and from what age school drop-out and performance were associated with these later life events. Data from — from here demographic surveillance site in northern Malawi with annual updating of schooling status and grades, and linked sexual behaviour surveys, were analysed to assess the associations of age-specific school performance measured as The Effect Of Teenage Pregnancy On Children and status in or out of school on subsequent age at sexual debut, pregnancy and marriage.

Landmark analysis with Cox regression was used to estimate hazard ratios of go here debut, pregnancy and marriage by schooling at selected landmark ages, controlling for socio-economic factors. For girls, being out of school was strongly associated with earlier sexual debut, pregnancy and marriage. For example, using schooling status at age 14, compared to girls in primary, those who had dropped out had adjusted hazard ratios of subsequent sexual debut, pregnancy and marriage of 5.

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For continue reading, the equivalent association with sexual debut was weak, 1. Being overage-for-grade was not associated with sexual debut for girls or boys. For girls, being overage-for-grade from age 10 was associated with earlier pregnancy and marriage e.

For boys, overage-for-grade was associated with earlier marriage from age 12, with stronger associations at older ages e. The main limitation was the use of reported ages of sexual debut, pregnancy and marriage. School progression at ages as young as 10 can predict teenage pregnancy and marriage, even after adjusting for socio-economic factors. Early education interventions may reduce teenage pregnancy and marriage as well as improving learning.

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This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licensewhich permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Data Availability: Malawi Epidemiology and Intervention Unit is committed to sharing research data whilst ensuring compliance with data protection standards. Data from these analyses will be available in an anonymised form on the LSHTM Research Data Compass Repository, with modifications to ensure that individuals cannot be identified. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Improving education is one of the Sustainable Development Goals, and underlies others: increasing education improves health, reduces poverty and helps gender equality [ 1 ].

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Click girls there are also major benefits for the next generation: half of the reduction in under-5 mortality achieved in the last 30 years may be attributable to increased maternal education [ 2 ]. There are also strong links to sexual health: education level is associated with age at first sex, condom use and Pregnahcy risk [ 34 ].

The Effect Of Teenage Pregnancy On Children

ETenage primary school enrolment is high in most countries, and often similar for boys and girls, but increasing dropout of girls in adolescence is a major and wide-spread problem [ 5 ]. Since schooling often starts late and grades are repeated, dropout in adolescence frequently means dropout before the end of primary school, as well as the loss of opportunities for secondary schooling and tertiary education.

The relationship between sexual behaviour and school dropout is complex. Most data on the association between schooling and sexual behaviour come from see more studies, making it difficult to distinguish cause and effect [ 46 ].

Being out of school can lead to risky sexual behaviour, pregnancy and marriage, but unintended pregnancies and early marriage can lead to school dropout [ 57 ]. Compared to out-of-school adolescents, those in school are less likely to have sex, have multiple life partners or have frequent sex [ 4 ]. Adolescents in school and performing better at school may have a higher perception of risk associated with early sexual debut, and higher aspirations for their future than their non-school going peers [ 67 ].

The Effect Of Teenage Pregnancy On Children

For those in school, sexual activity poses a high opportunity cost, with unintended pregnancies and marriage as a deterrent to achieving educational goals. Those out of school may consider sexual activity desirable, potentially bringing marriage and financial security for the future. Both school Efffect and early sex, pregnancy and marriage are influenced by the same underlying factors, including poverty, poor school performance, absenteeism, school characteristics, and peer, family and community pressures and expectations [ 8 — 13 ]. High costs of schooling, lack of school infrastructure from toilets to textbooksand poor school performance may precipitate disinterest in school, which promotes risky sexual behaviour [ 14 ], and early school exit.

A review of determinants of adolescent sexual health in developing countries showed that school performance high grade-point averages and high levels of motivation to continue schooling provided protective effects for adolescents [ 17 ]. In South The Effect Of Teenage Pregnancy On Children, falling behind in school was the strongest risk factor for giving birth within the following two years [ 18 ].

The few longitudinal studies generally involve teenagers [ 11151618 ], and it is unclear from what age school failure predicts subsequent life trajectories. A quarter of Tbe adults do not have even basic literacy skills [ 20 ].]

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