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Your question might be answered by sellers, manufacturers, or customers who bought this product. Please make sure that you are posting in the form of a question. Please enter a question. Safely removing tough spots and stains from colorfast carpet, rugs, upholstery and clothing, is beyond the ability of most cleaning chemicals. Some spotters may remove carpet and rug stains, others spotters might remove upholstery and clothing stains. Another cleaning chemical may remove food spots from upholstery, but not pet stains from rugs and carpet. For over 30 years, The FOLEX Company has been producing the cleaning chemical that can remove virtually any stain, from practically any colorfast carpet, rug, upholstery, and clothing. Skip to main content. FREE delivery: Get free shipping. Free day shipping within the U. The Dirt On The Fabric Of The

Last Updated: October 29, References Approved. This article was co-authored by Chad Zani. Chad Zani is the Director of Tue at Detail Garage, an automotive detailing company with locations around the U. Chad is based in the Los Angeles, California area and uses his passion for auto detailing to teach others how to do so as he grows his company nationwide. There are 23 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.

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In this case, several readers have written to tell us that this article was helpful to them, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 1, times. Keeping your car's interior clean is just as important as keeping your car's exterior well-maintained.

The Dirt On The Fabric Of The

You inhabit the inside of your vehicle whenever you drive, and it's good for both your health and peace of mind to keep your vehicle's interior clean. Luckily, cleaning your upholstery can be simple thanks to a variety of techniques and specific cleaning products tailored to vehicle upholstery. To clean your car upholstery, start by spraying fabric upholstery with a solution of water and dish soap. Gently rub the fabric with a soft brush, then rinse off the soap off with a clean, damp rag.

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If your upholstery is leather, start by turning on the heater to soften the leather and make it easier to clean. Next, use a soft cloth and leather cleaner to wipe down the seats.

The Dirt On The Fabric Of The

Once they are dry, apply a water-based leather conditioner and let it sit for 20 minutes. For tips on spot-cleaning stains on car upholstery, keep reading.

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