Texting While Driving Should Stop - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Texting While Driving Should Stop

Texting While Driving Should Stop Video

Dramatic Texting and Driving PSA

Texting While Driving Should Stop - was

By Lisa Rapaport. On average, states saw 1, fewer traffic-related emergency room visits per year after implementing a texting ban, the new study found. Nationwide in , almost 3, people died and another , people were seriously injured in crashes involving distracted drivers, researchers note in the American Journal of Public Health. Some previous research suggests that laws limiting mobile phone use to hands-free activities can help reduce distractions and crashes. For the current study, researchers examined data on these less-serious crash-related injuries treated in emergency rooms between and in 16 U. Every state but Arizona passed a texting-while-driving ban at some point during the study period. In states with a texting ban, the study found an average 4 percent annual reduction in emergency room visits for motor vehicle crash injuries compared to before the ban. Texting While Driving Should Stop Texting While Driving Should Stop

Various laws in the United States regulate the use of mobile phones and other electronics by motorists. Different states take different approaches.

Other risks to texting on the road

Some laws affect only novice drivers or commercial drivers, while some laws affect all drivers. Some laws target handheld devices only, while other laws affect both handheld and handsfree devices. The laws regulating driving or distracted driving may be subject to primary enforcement or secondary enforcement by state, county or local authorities.

States with secondary enforcement laws or no laws at all are ineligible to receive this grant funding. No state bans all cell phone use for all drivers. Virgin Islands prohibit all drivers from using hand-held cell phones while driving.

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Thirty-six states and Washington, D. If proven a driver was "texting" during a traffic fatality, it is deemed a Class C felony, and the driver can be put into prison for up to 10 years. Often, local authorities pass their own click driving bans —most include the use of cell phones while driving. Several states Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Oklahoma have prohibited localities from enacting their own laws regarding cell phone use. The U. Department of Transportation has established an official website to combat distracted driving, Distraction.

Texting While Driving Should Stop

Inthe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released the following data - 2, lives lost due to distracted driving. Among those killed: 1, drivers, passengers, pedestrians and 77 bicyclists. The report clearly states, texting is the "most alarming distraction".

Understanding the dangers of texting while driving

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Hands-free cell phone use Sohuld. Texting while driving prohibited for all drivers. Texting while driving prohibited only for drivers under No restrictions on cell phone use while driving. Repealed effective January 1, Use of handheld personal communications devices in certain motor vehicles; exceptions; penalty". Retrieved ]

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