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Specific Language Impairment Sli

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Specific Language Impairment Sli.

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Childhood apraxia of speech CAS is a debilitating pediatric speech disorder characterized by varying symptom profiles, comorbid deficits, and limited response to intervention. In the current study, we evaluated behavioral and genetic profiles of seven children Langguage CAS and eight children with SLI, while ensuring all children link free of comorbid impairments.

These children exhibited average to high performance on language and word reading assessments in spite of poor articulation scores.

Specific Language Impairment Sli

Centanni, T. Log in. Web of Science.

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Identifiers publons. Navigate Abstract. Publication History. Abstract Childhood apraxia of speech CAS is a debilitating pediatric speech disorder characterized by varying symptom profiles, comorbid deficits, and limited response to intervention. Authors Centanni, T. Publons users who've claimed - I am an author.

Specific Language Impairment Sli

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