Review Of Anna Deavere Smith s Twilight Video
Master Class with Anna Deavere Smith, playwright, actress and humanitarian Review Of Anna Deavere Smith s TwilightSteve H. Anna Deavere Smith originally inhabited some 25 to 45 roles called for in her script wherein a single actor plays a bevy of characters Ot a wide variety of backgrounds who have borne witness to the events of the time, starting with the controversy surrounding the Rodney King beating by members of the LAPD in and the social upheaval wrought by its aftermath.

In this production, Patrese D. McClain performs the various roles with such precision and aplomb that the total experience is nothing short of a masterclass in acting diverse roles from an attorney, to a community activist, to a Korean liquor store owner, a member of the LAPD, a touring opera singer, real estate agent, newspaper editor, chief of police, and on and on. Why, even Dr.
Subsequent events beginning in March were the murder of an African-American teenage girl by a Korean liquor store owner, the resignation of LA police chief Daryl F. Gates, the beating of Reginald Denny, a white truck driver who was pulled from his cab by a demonstration that had turned violent, Review Of Anna Deavere Smith s Twilight and burning of stores as violent protests continued, and the subsequent, controversial trial in of four police officers indicted for the Rodney King beating.
Aside from the psychological and social effects of the two-year series of events, the toll paid by the LA community was 58 dead, almost 2, injured, over 12, arrested, and 3, businesses damaged.

Smitth its grounding in the destructive and dire events of the period, what shines about this unusual theater piece is its riveting dialogue delivered so convincingly by McClain, raising its subject matter way beyond the parameters of standard documentary and news reporting to the personal and psychological effects of a real-life drama.
Also, its rendering from an original stage piece to virtual streaming for Covid-safe presentation is handled adroitly, technically creating a personal, intimate experience worthy of a front row seat.
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