Reflection On Diversity Video
Reflection on diversity Reflection On DiversityAs discussed in class, you are the expert of your own experience. Students are highly encouraged to share about their experience, share their and insights about the discussion topics, and ask questions.
Beyond the in-class discussions, this assignment asks students to further reflect on their experiences via a written format.
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This is a reflection, there is not a right or wrong response, and this is NOT a research paper. What I am looking for in this reflection paper is:. Listed below are a number of questions and issues for you to consider in this reflection paper. You may choose to answer as many as you like, in whatever order you wish. If there are other items you would like Reflection On Diversity discuss related to these questions, please feel free to do so.

Describe descriptors you identify, for example — race, ethnic heritage, national origin, language, gender identity, and so forth. Who or what are the most significant influences in the establishment of the descriptors of your identity?
As a child, did you have friends who were of a different background to you consider the descriptors you listed?
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What I am looking for in this reflection paper is: depth of analysis and reflection a willingness to take risks in self-disclosure assess your own level of comfort your ability to connect Divesrity awareness of yourself with the issues raised in class source readings, videos, and Reflection On Diversity content and with experiences you are having outside of class family, friends, campus, KC, your hometown, etc. Questions to use as a guide in this first reflection paper: Who are you? What does diversity mean to you?

If yes, why? If no, why not?
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What experiences have you had with people who you perceive as different to you? How were people of different cultures viewed in your family? How were they treated?]
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