Product Centric Business Model Customer Centric Business -

Product Centric Business Model Customer Centric Business - have thought

As time passes things change, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. In this case they have clearly changed for the better. Production has evolved, as well as the way of launching products onto the market. When there was less supply the companies themselves set the trends and consumers were limited to choosing the one they most identified with. Now consumers have more options and have become top researchers, they can take days or even weeks before making a decision. Before this change in consumer habits brands had to adapt to their processes. It all started with market studies that, little by little, were perfected into a detailed study of the interests and behaviours of our customers and potential customers before launching a new product or beginning a new production. Completely changing the perspective of your own production towards customers can bring you several unexpected and some very interesting benefits. There is life beyond increased sales. Product Centric Business Model Customer Centric Business Product Centric Business Model Customer Centric Business

Product Centric Business Model Customer Centric Business Video

Customer Centric vs Product Centric approach

By definition, a process entails not Mdoel a series of interconnected steps resulting in a specific deliverable a product or servicebut a process in which each of these steps is informed by the customer as well as informed by innovations across multiple customer bases. In other words, customer-centric companies are customer-collaborative, inter-industry informed enterprises who are intimately in touch with the evolving needs of their customers and equipped to adapt accordingly. In this sense, customer-centric companies are not in the business of selling products, but rather in the business of designing delivering customized solutions.

Product Centric Business Model Customer Centric Business

For example, we at Lifecycle Biotechnologies have longstanding ties to the organ and tissue donation community. When we learn that the tissue processors are struggling with problems that Lifecycle has the ability to solve, we work closely with them to create a custom, unique solution.

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Take this situation: the conventional plastic and glass aseptic containers used by many tissue processors posed problems related to compromise of aseptic conditions, ease of use, efficiency of storage, and environmental impact. This presented a perfect opportunity for cross-industry informed design and application.

Product Centric Business Model Customer Centric Business

Lifecycle was still listening, its ear to the ground for opportunities for iterative improvements to its own designs, and it identified one. The mobile phase Lifecycle provided its ethanol manufacturing customers was available only in 5-liter bags. Taking its customer-centric approach one step further, Lifecycle also sourced adaptors that allowed the liter bag to be hooked up to two HPLCs simultaneously, eliminating the time- and money-wasting inefficiencies of the change-out process. Facebook Twitter Linkedin.]

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