Personal Privilege Privilege And Privilege Video
Jan. 20 2014 Del. David Toscano Point of Personal PrivilegeGood: Personal Privilege Privilege And Privilege
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Personal Privilege Privilege And Privilege - opinion you
As I've delved further into adulthood and met people from all walks of life, I've noticed that the divide between privileged and non, really isn't as big as I once thought. At least not when you look at various situations from a lens of humanity. I went to a personal development event a few years ago, and during the dinner afterwards I was talking to a few different people and mentioned how, as human beings, we're really not that much different from each other, regardless of our living circumstances. One of the people I was talking to agreed and told the story of someone she once met who worked on a popular TV series and seemed to come from an affluent family. They, or someone they knew who associated with similar circles, had gone to a clinic to learn more about reproductive health and the person who told me the story had been blown away that someone who came from wealth and privilege, knew as much about sexual health as someone from a third world country, or just a lower socio-economic area. A year or so ago I was an assistant for a dance concert and was talking to one of the other assistants during the lunch break. She told me about her living situation and how she was renting a place her mother owned and at one point had had to kick out a former housemate who's cleaning habits were non-existent. She told me how said housemate would leave half eaten bowls of food in her room for days, maybe weeks, until they couldn't figure out where the dishes and cutlery had disappeared to and the effects of having food sitting around a bedroom for so long further impacted the rest of the house. The housemate's mother complained when the housemate was asked to leave, and insisted that they hadn't done anything wrong.Social privilege is a theory of special advantage or entitlement, used to one's own benefit or to the detriment of others. These groups can be advantaged based on social classageheightIQdisabilityethnic or racial categorygendergender identitysexual orientationand religion. This subject is based on the interactions of different forms of privilege within certain situations.

Arguably, the history of privilege as a concept dates back to American sociologist and historian W. Here, he wrote that although African Personal Privilege Privilege And Privilege were observant of read article Americans and conscious of racial discriminationwhite Americans did not think much about African-Americans, nor about the effects of racial discrimination. He wrote that these included courtesy and deference, unimpeded admittance to all Priilege functions, lenient treatment in court, and access to the best schools. Here, McIntosh documented forty-six privileges which she, as a white person, experienced in the United States.
As an example, "I can be sure that if I need legal or medical help, my race will not work against me", and "I do not have to educate my children to be aware of systemic racism for their own daily physical protection". McIntosh described white privilege as an "invisible package of unearned assets" which white people do Personal Privilege Privilege And Privilege want to acknowledge, and which leads to them being confident, comfortable, and oblivious about racial issues, while non-white people become unconfident, uncomfortable, and alienated. Historically, academic study of social Privilete focused mainly on the ways in which minority groups were discriminated against, and ignored the privileges accorded to dominant social groups.

That changed in the late s, when researchers began studying the concept of privilege. Privilege, as understood and described by researchers, is a function of multiple variables of varying importance, such as raceagegendersexual orientationgender identityneurologycitizenshipreligionphysical abilityhealth, level of educationand others. Race and gender tend to have the highest impacts Persohal that one is born with these characteristics and they are immediately visible.
However, religion, sexuality and physical ability are also highly relevant.
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American sociologist Michael S. Kimmel uses the metaphor of a wind to explain the concept. He explains that when you walk into the wind you have to struggle for each step that you take. When Privilsge walk with the wind, you don't feel the wind at all but you still move faster than you would otherwise. The wind is social privilege and Personal Privilege Privilege And Privilege it flows with you, it simply propels you forward with little effort of your own. In the context of the theory, privileged people are considered to be "the norm", and, as such, gain invisibility and ease in society, with others being cast as inferior variants.
Some academics, such as Peggy McIntosh, highlight a pattern where those who benefit from a type of privilege are unwilling to acknowledge it.
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Derald Wing Sue has referred to such denial as a form of " microaggression " Personal Privilege Privilege And Privilege microinvalidation that negates the experiences of people who don't have privilege and minimizes the impediments they face. McIntosh wrote that most people are reluctant to acknowledge their privilege, and instead look for ways to justify or minimize the effects of privilege stating that their privilege was fully earned. They justify this by acknowledging the acts of individuals of unearned dominance, but Privilegw that privilege is institutionalized as well as embedded throughout our society. She wrote that those who believe privilege is systemic may nonetheless deny having personally benefited from it, and may oppose efforts to dismantle it.
Instead it was partly due to a system that has developed to support them.

In The Gendered SocietyMichael Kimmel wrote that when privileged people do not feel personally powerful, arguments that they have benefited from unearned advantages seem unpersuasive.]
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