Not Judge A Book By Its Cover -

Not Judge A Book By Its Cover

Not Judge A Book By Its Cover Video

Funny African man attempts to say “Don’t Judge A Book By It’s Cover\ Not Judge A Book By Its Cover

Daily Simple Questions Thread.

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Not Judge A Book By Its Cover

For an in-depth explanation of our giveaway rules don't forget to check our rules wiki page. This guy did it, and it's one of the coolest builds I've ever seen. He fitted SD cards into flopppy disks, then modded the SD card reader pins to align perfectly within the floppy disk drive. I thought of doing that, except the SD card was inside of the floppy, and you had wires that lead up to contact pads on the floppy, which lined up with pins in the reader.

Meanings of ""Do not judge a book by ..."

You know those "aux jack" cassettes that take an audio input and send it to the tape play head for use in older cars? I wonder if you could do the same with a floppy disk drive since it's also a magnetic medium. There's way more complexity under the hood for a floppy drive, the biggest one being supporting random access, whereas a tape is just sequential. Beware, your wallet will hate you. This guy has inspired me to start my own sleeper build, the attention to detail is incredible.

Those monitors go for a fortune though :. Get a x monitor or a diamondtron. The Mitsubishi diamondtron is really high res and x stuff is cheap. I even found a Trinitron model in a bundle of other old computer stuff. When a comment gets gilded, it turns the entire thread a gold-ish color on desktop version now.

Not Judge A Book By Its Cover

TBH, it link like more of a beige from my side; but I guess it beats solid yellow-brown. Holy shit I just realised I can do this with my first gaming pc from like But I don't have the money to make it a sleeper, it will just be an old, slow xp machine with a CD and floppy drive. Old pc parts from that period have been gaining a lot on value lately. Check your specs twice before you do anything you might regret. Edit: USB to floppy would work too! I'd mostly do it for the glorious seek test sound at boot.

Not Judge A Book By Its Cover

Hardwire the motor to an Arduino that when the power button get pressed does the seek test. Should not be too hard. The best would be to take a floppy drive, gut it and put a USB port inside, Iys take apart a floppy and put a high capacity USB flash drive B so that putting the floppy in the drive is really just the same as plugging in the USB stick. I saw a post of someone doing that here on Reddit, but unfortunately I can't seem to find it as all that keeps coming up is stuff about usb floppy emulators. I open it Only for a moment, but the airflow's wrong All my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity This Platos Laches that in my case Now all I have is dust in my case The GPUs look heavily choked lol. But I can appreciate a nice sleeper build just for the the heck of it. Those GPU's are really close together though, with the side pannel on I can't imagion there being a lot of airflow.

Those are CD drive feint panels glued in place, and not pushed out at all. I guarantee the Not Judge A Book By Its Cover sucks. Let me say that those flat panel cases are amazing. All the hyper gamer edgy cases of past were so annoying to clean dust out of and generally were clunky. Death of cds and flop pies is best what could've happened for computers.]

One thought on “Not Judge A Book By Its Cover

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