My Philosophy My Leadership Philosophy -

My Philosophy My Leadership Philosophy - come forum

Developing a philosophy of leadership is essential to the effective leadership of an organization. The role of a leader is to create a conducive environment and inspire the people he leads to realize and release the greatness within them. To be successful as a leader, one must take some time to develop a personal leadership philosophy which communicates the values they believe in. Thinking through the kind of leadership style one wants to achieve leads to strong and effective leadership. The 44 th president of the US, Barack Obama is a classic example of a leader whose style of leadership is emulatable; his philosophy of leadership was that of transparency, courage, hope and transformation. He was a good orator who made Americans and the world at large believe that a better tomorrow was possible and that they could empower themselves. My leadership philosophy is to lead with integrity, humility, a learning mindset and a desire to see my followers become the best version of themselves. A leader who leads with integrity is honest, does the right thing and is true to his word regardless of the situation. My Philosophy My Leadership Philosophy My Philosophy My Leadership Philosophy

Developing a Leadership Philosophy: 4 Effective Strategies

Michael Kevin Edgar B. The first part, which is also considered as the prologue of the article, tells us of the graduate students particularly in the University of Santo Tomas who decided at once to form a group bent on widening Philosophical knowledge, to learn more on the different Philosophies of other Universities, and to see Philosophy in the Philippines in an even broader and much more collaborative scale. This group was known as the Philosophy Circle of the Philippines which, until now, remains active and participative in Philosophical events.

Other groups like the Philosophical Association of the Philippines and Philisophy Philippine Academy of Philosophical Research was formed with different objectives but in regard to Philosophy all the same. Philosopphy article expressed how exciting it has been in My Philosophy My Leadership Philosophy founding days of the Philosophy Circle of the Philippines and how the different sectors of scholars cooperated and spoke with collaboration and contradiction to the different opinions of the popular group.

My Philosophy My Leadership Philosophy

Thus, the group attained its primary objective: To diversify Philosophy in the Philippines, to free it My Philosophy My Leadership Philosophy the walls of monotony in which we only learn a particular Philosophy in which we are home to and fail to see the other Philosophies developed. To make this clearer, this particular group wanted to unify Philosophy in the Philippines into one which will read more agreeable to everyone.

This part of the article offers a good introduction one of which that introduces us to what we will read in the succeeding text. It also gave helpful info and a good insight to which it mentioned clearly of the Philosophy Circle of the Philippines and its objectives.

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I find that objective creative and agreeable. Given the state of Philosophy in their time, it was absolutely necessary for a collaboration, for a much broader learning, and for this subject to become diverse and complex given the ideas the different Universities had. The next part questions in us the beginning or origin of philosophy in our country. This is started by a brief discussion of how our nation, the Philippines, was formed and how the Spaniards even spawned that name.

It was said that unlike China and Japan, we had no established culture.

My Philosophy My Leadership Philosophy

Our homeland was merely a vast group of islands and the people who lived were of different tribes. It is possible that we lacked so many things the Chinese and Japanese had. We even lacked a unifying language.]

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