Musical Genres And The Musical Genre -

Musical Genres And The Musical Genre Musical Genres And The Musical Genre

The idea for the museum came from two Nashville business and civic leaders, Francis Guess and T. Ane, back inwho wanted a museum dedicated to Black arts and culture. And while there are museums around the country that focus on certain aspects of Black music, this museum bills itself as the first of its kind to be all encompassing.

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What was going on in our country and our lived experience and our political environment that made that music so moving, so inspirational, such the soundtrack for that part of our lives? The museum tells a chronological story of Black Musical Genres And The Musical Genre starting in the s through Genrex day and framed around major cultural movements including the music and instruments brought by African slaves, the emergence of blues through the Great Migration, the Harlem Renaissance and the civil rights movement.

She noted that the museum put gospel music in context with how it inspired social change, especially during the civil rights era. The museum has 1, artifacts in their collection, including clothes and a Grammy Award belonging to Ella Fitzgerald, a guitar owned by B. King and a trumpet played by Louis Armstrong. To make the best use out of the space, the exhibits are layered with interactive features, Geenre 25 stations that allow visitors to virtually explore the music.

Musical Genres And The Musical Genre

Visitors can take home their recordings to share via a personal RFID wristband. There will be a changing exhibit gallery, with the first topic to be the Fisk Jubilee Singers, an a cappella group originally formed in to raise money for Fisk University.

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The group sang slave spirituals at their concerts. The tradition continues today. After a year of racial reckoning through the movement of Black Lives Matter, Hicks said the timing couldn't be more perfect to highlight the contributions of Black music to our shared American experience. Shows Good Morning America. World News Tonight. This Week.

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Musical Genres And The Musical Genre

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