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Monday Morning Leadership

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When Frank Coleman first began his job as president of Hi-Tech Aerostructures, most managers and employees felt a surge of hope and excitement. Hi-Tech Aerostructures is a year-old, family-owned manufacturing company that produces parts for the aircraft industry. The founder and owner had served as president until his health began to decline, and he felt the need to bring in someone from outside the company to get a fresh perspective. It was certainly needed. Over the past several years, Hi-Tech had just been stumbling along. Coleman came to the company from a smaller business, but one with excellent credentials as a leader in advanced aircraft technology. He had a vision for transforming Hi-Tech into a world-class manufacturing facility. In addition to implementing cutting-edge technology, the vision included transforming the sleepy, paternalistic culture to a more dynamic, adaptive one and empowering employees to take a more active, responsible role in the organization. Monday Morning Leadership.

Eliot Ness April 19, — May 16, was an American Prohibition agentfamous for his efforts to bring down Al Capone and enforce Prohibition in ChicagoIllinoisand the leader of a famous team of law enforcement agents from Chicago, nicknamed The Untouchables.

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His co-authorship of a popular autobiography, The Untouchableswhich was released shortly after his death, launched several television and motion picture portrayals that established Ness's posthumous fame as an incorruptible crime fighter. He was the youngest of Monday Morning Leadership children born to Peter Ness — and Emma King — His parents, both Norwegian immigrants, operated a bakery. Article source was educated at the University of Chicagograduating in with a degree in political science and business administrationand was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. He began his career as an investigator for the Retail Credit Company of Atlanta assigned to the Chicago territory, where he conducted background investigations for the purpose of Monday Morning Leadership information. Inhe returned to the university to take a graduate course in criminology taught by August Vollmera noted police reformer and chief of the Berkeley Police Department.

Monday Morning Leadership Vollmer's ideas about professionalizing law enforcement would influence Ness throughout his career. Ness's brother-in-law, Alexander Jamiean agent of the Bureau of Investigation which became the Federal Bureau of Investigation ininfluenced Ness Mondah enter law enforcement. Ness joined the U. Treasury Department inworking with the 1,strong Bureau of Prohibition in Chicago.

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In Marchattorney Frank J. Wilson of Monday Morning Leadership Intelligence Unitwere already investigating Capone and his associates for income tax evasion. In lateAttorney General William D. Mitchellseeking a faster end to the case, implemented a plan devised by President Hoover continue reading sending a small team of Prohibition agents, working under a special United States attorneyto target the illegal breweries and supply routes of Capone while gathering evidence of conspiracy to violate the National Prohibition Act informally known as the Volstead Act. Johnsonthe Chicago prosecutor directly in charge of both the Prohibition and Monay tax investigations of Capone, chose the year-old Ness now assigned to the Justice Department to lead this small squad.

Monday Morning Leadership

With corruption of Chicago's law enforcement agents endemic, Ness went through the records of all Prohibition agents to create a reliable team initially of six, eventually growing to about ten later known as " The Untouchables. The main Monday Morning Leadership of information for the raids was an extensive wiretapping operation. Failed attempts by members of the Chicago Outfit to bribe or intimidate Ness and his agents inspired Charles Schwarz of the Chicago Daily News to begin calling them "untouchables". George Johnson adopted the nickname and promoted it to the press, establishing Mornin as the squad's unofficial title.

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The efforts of Ness and his team inflicted major financial damage on Capone's operations and led to his indictment on five thousand violations of the Volstead Act in June But Monday Morning Leadership judge James H. Wilkerson prevented that indictment from coming to trial, instead pursuing the tax evasion case built by George Johnson and Frank Wilson. On May 3,Ness was among the federal agents who took Capone from the Cook County Jail to Dearborn Stationwhere he boarded the Dixie Flyer to the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary —the only time both men are known to have met in person.

See more the end of Prohibition inhe was assigned as an alcohol tax agent in the "Moonshine Mountains" of southern Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, and in he was transferred to Cleveland, Ohio.]

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