Midterm Comm293 Video
Midterm Comm293
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At the discretion of the mod team, offenders will be banned. If you see a post or comment which is not in accordance with these guidelines, please use the report Midterm Comm293 to bring it to the attention of the moderators, as opposed to engaging with it. If you feel the moderation team has taken unfair or unwarranted action against you, or you have a question about these guidelines, please contact us. To select your faculty flair, just click "edit" on the right bar, above this message. If your desired program flair is not available, contact us. At least the next time you fail your midterm, it won't be first, so it won't feel as bad : You eventually get numb to Midterm Comm293 feeling dw.
You get numb. But is getting numb like. Because I feel like I have less motivation to study if I'm already doing badly, you know?

Math Midterm Comm293 handed me the biggest L. Just handed it in. A pretty decent number of classes have midterm averages that are in low 50s range. Also yknow sometimes life happens. I know this is meant as a joke, but you realize joking about suicide around midterms is not cool or funny, right? Students actually do tragically end their lives in huge numbers this time of year, and casually bringing it up is not constructive.
If you or Midterm Comm293 you know is feeling suicidal, call one of these numbers right now:. Sorry to break to you, but the world doesn't revolve around you. NO ONE is going to look at this meme and decide to kill themselves as a result, if anything suicidal people are more likely to find humor in these things and will have a good laugh, speaking from experience.

Midterm Comm293 Also, you may think you are doing a good thing by linking the suicide hotline, but something tells me you never had to use one of these. Anyone who used them will know that they just tell you the same rehearsed bullshit that will MAYBE delay you from killing yourself and they offer Midherm real help most of the time.
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Very remarkable topic