Illegal Immigration Should Be Illegal -

Illegal Immigration Should Be Illegal Video

Donald Trump on illegal immigration in the U.S. Illegal Immigration Should Be Illegal.

Illegal Immigration Should Be Illegal - sorry, that

Possible government policies for dealing with those who illegally enter the country or unlawfully overstay a temporary visa cover a broad range of options. At one extreme is amnesty or legalization , which often leads to citizenship for those meeting certain criteria, including residing in the country for a number of years, paying back taxes and not having committed a serious crime or felony. At the other extreme is repatriation or deportation , which typically involves returning those who are unlawfully resident, particularly those who have also been convicted of crimes, back to their countries of origin. In between those two extremes are a myriad of policy options to address illegal immigration that are often acrimoniously debated among a variety of competing interests, factions and groups. Regarding the immigration process, a widespread consensus exists among governments and the general public that people wishing to immigrate should do so legally and safely, not unlawfully and dangerously. However, the large numbers of men, women and children wishing to immigrate far exceed the visas that receiving countries are normally prepared to grant. Consequently, with little or no opportunities for legal migration, many women and men turn to illegal immigration or overstay short-term visas. A global survey undertaken several years ago reported that more than million adult men and women wish to emigrate to another country. In striking contrast, the annual number of immigrants worldwide in recent years has been no more than about 5 million. In the case of the United States, which is the largest destination country, the number of immigrants in the recent past has been around 1 million per year. Illegal Immigration Should Be Illegal

If President Joe Biden were really interested in waving caravans of illegal immigrants into the country, he would make sure they received the COVID vaccine at the border. That way the latest caravan of illegal immigrants from Honduras, for instance, would not be considered super spreaders.

Illegal Immigration Should Be Illegal

And if the vaccine is made available to murderers serving life in prison before everyone else, then surely it can be given to these needy newcomers crossing the border. Whatever else he has accomplished during his early days at president, Biden has shown that he is good at signing executive orders. Sitting at his desk signing the leather-bound documents, Biden looks like the head waiter at the French Laundry handing out menus. One of those EOs, by the way, shut down construction of the Keystone XL pipeline that would transport Canadian oil to Illegal Immigration Should Be Illegal existing pipeline network in Nebraska and then to the Gulf of Mexico.

That oil is currently trucked and railed. Instead of Canadian oil surging safely through the pipeline — and continuing to make the U. Biden so far has shown that he is more concerned with helping illegal immigrants than he is American workers. As far as the coming caravans from the south are concerned, Biden could even throw in a stimulus check or two to carry these soon-to-be U. Many believe more must be done. To bring about needed change, progressives want to make Washington, D. But is this enough for progressives? How about giving failed countries like Honduras, Nicaragua Illegal Immigration Should Be Illegal Guatemala, where many of the illegal immigrants come from, statehood, too.

Obviously, the people living there want to become Americans — North Americans, that is — which here why at great risk they keep making the arduous trip north.

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If the people of those countries made U. Making those countries states would mean the people could stay safe and happy at home and not travel hundreds of dangerous miles to get to the United States. They would be treated just the way their fellow Americans are. And they would not have to come to the U.

Not only that but the move would put hundreds of coyotes out of work because there would be no people to smuggle, only drugs.

Illegal Immigration Should Be Illegal

Progressives would like the idea of making those countries American states because, despite it being politically virtuous, it also means that there would be six more progressive Democrats elected to the U. Five new states means that the Senate would be expanded from to members. The progressives would rule the country forever, which they Illegal to do anyway after they appoint Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez president.

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Opinion Opinion Columnists. By Peter Lucas. More in Opinion Columnists.]

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