How Asthma Fit Into The Healthy People -

How Asthma Fit Into The Healthy People

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Best and Worst Foods for Asthma - Asthma Diet

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How Asthma Fit Into The Healthy People

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Asthma and Sports? In the past, doctors strictly forbade people with asthma to exercise more intensely and vigorously so as not to provoke an asthma attack. It is now known how important regular sports are Astbma such people to strengthen their lungs and keep them in good shape. This is especially true for long-term training in cycling, running and swimming.

How Asthma Fit Into The Healthy People

The conclusion from a study conducted during the Olympic Games in the last twenty years.

Athletes take more breaths per minute than usual. A running athlete does 30 breaths per minute: twice as many as under normal conditions. Top athletes often train seven days a week, which is a huge burden on their lungs.

How Asthma Fit Into The Healthy People

Very often, athletes do not recognize asthma in their complaints and are not treated, and proper treatment could improve their results. Most athletes believe that treating their asthma complaints is not allowed because asthma medications are on the doping lists. However, according to the directives, their use is allowed Hfalthy asthma is diagnosed.

More Information

How Asthma Fit Into The Healthy People It is a chronic allergic lung disease that presents with bouts of shortness of breath and suffocation and a dry cough as a reaction to an allergen or as a result of a cold, exercise or emotional stress. Women are more likely to get sick in adults. The treatment of bronchial asthma is a long process that requires constant medical supervision and high responsibility of the patient. The action of anti-asthmatic drugs is aimed at eliminating attacks and prevention. Therefore, doctors pay much more attention to the prevention of seizures, if possible — non-drug. Fortunately, asthma is no longer Peoplle a sentence that forcibly deprives a person of sports for life. Healthy lifestyles, exercise, hardening, salt chambers and other Ito methods cannot completely replace drug therapy, but help to improve the quality of life of patients. Sport is useful, especially in the early stages.

During exacerbations, however, it is better to refrain from intense exercise. Sport not only helps asthma sufferers control the disease, but also improves breathing.

How Asthma Fit Into The Healthy People

Exercise is extremely helpful, whether you have asthma or not. From bowling to vigorous cycling, the sport entertains us and helps us feel good.

Bronchial asthma

Of course, consider your level of physical fitness, as well as make sure that the inhaler or other specific medications you use are at hand. Whatever the sport, warm up well beforehand — this reduces the likelihood of an asthma attack. If you notice that you are performing the same exercise harder and harder, this may be a sign that your asthma is getting worse — contact your doctor. And then the question arises: What sport to choose?

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It is a sport that makes you feel good and safe, and at the same time entertains you. If your asthma is under control and does not worsen, there are virtually no restrictions on your choice. However, if you are not sure, discuss the various options with your doctor. Tell your instructor if you have one about your illness. There are sports that are especially suitable for asthmatics:. Yoga — This relaxing form of physical activity can begin at any age. In addition, it has been shown to have an additional beneficial effect on therapeutic therapy. Swimming — In principle, this is the most suitable sport for people with asthma. Swimming in an outdoor pool is an ideal choice, as the air is warm and humid, respectively, and less irritating to the respiratory tract.]

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