Graduation Speech My Goals -

Graduation Speech My Goals Video

Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address Graduation Speech My Goals Graduation Speech My Goals

None of us can sweep the great relevance of any outline under the carpet. But if you want to score a lower grade, fine, you can do without it.

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It refers to your graduation speech plan, where you structure and organize the main points into paragraphs to make it easier for you to write the essay. In other continue reading, it involves writing quick phrases or summary sentences for every issue you will cover in each paragraph, thus giving you a picture of how your speech will unfold. Now, you may sometimes have to submit a graduation speech outline as a separate assignment before you start writing the speech itself. Before you begin your graduation speech outline, you should have your topic and some preliminary research to Graduation Speech My Goals relevant sources at hand already. Dearest friends and teachers.

Graduation Speech My Goals

First of all, thank you deeply allowing me to make this speech to you. This is a day that I know that I will remember for many years and that I hope that you will too. As I stand amongst you then please know that I feel proud and happy to have been your classmate and I know that the experience of this will stay with me for the rest of Goal life.

Graduation Speech My Goals

So, first of all, thank you, my classmates. We have shared many good memories and experiences down the years, and for this I am deeply grateful.

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Today is a day for both looking forwards and backwards; for looking to the future at what we can make of our lives from this point, and also of reflecting back on what we had made us the people that we are at this point. When I do this, I think cannot but think of the times that I have shared with all of you I know that in the future, if things are ever difficult, that I will have memories to draw on. Of course, I must Graduation Speech My Goals thank the school and the teachers with whom I have spent these years.

Graduation Speech My Goals

So, yes, thank you. I know that, perhaps, myself and some others that are here might not have been the ideal students all of the time that you had to deal with us, but I know that now, looking back, many of Speefh are deeply grateful for your efforts.

Once again, when I think about the future developments that I want to under take in my life and the people that I want to be, I look to some of you and know Mt I have some fine examples to follow. I know that these examples will stay with me, they will stay with other students, for many many years.

I cannot give this speech without mentioning and thanking my parents who have been my important source of motivation and inspiration throughout my time at high school.]

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