Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Causes And Effects - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Causes And Effects Video

Fetal alcohol disorders are more common than you think Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Causes And Effects

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Causes And Effects - properties

FASD is a collective term which includes a range of disorders. Hence, these disorders can cause growth problems and brain damage in the baby. However, among all these disorders, fetal alcohol syndrome is the most severe form of the condition. Babies suffering from this condition experience problems with their memory, vision, attention span, hearing, communication, and learning abilities. Hence, the problems may differ from child to child, but the defects are eternal. When a woman drinks alcohol during pregnancy, some of that alcohol passes to the fetus by way of the placenta. The developing fetus cannot process alcohol in the same way as an adult.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Causes And Effects - safe answer

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder FASD is a term used to describe a number of problems that can result in people whose mothers drank alcohol during pregnancy. FASD includes a variety of mental, physical, behavioural and learning disabilities. If a pregnant woman drinks any alcohol at any time during pregnancy, the alcohol crosses the placenta to the fetus. Alcohol damages the developing cells of the fetus. The brain and central nervous system are particularly sensitive to alcohol and can suffer permanent damage. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Causes And Effects

In fact, alcohol beer, wine, or hard liquor is the leading cause of preventable birth defects and developmental disabilities in the United States.

The baby inside

Babies exposed to alcohol in the womb can develop fetal alcohol spectrum disorders FASDs. These disorders include a wide range of physical, behavioral, and learning problems. It is caused by heavy drinking during pregnancy.

There is no known safe amount of alcohol to drink during pregnancy. Any amount of alcohol can harm a developing fetus and increase the risk of miscarriage.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Causes And Effects

Alcohol easily passes through the placenta, the organ that Caudes a baby during pregnancy. Alcohol exposure during the first trimester — perhaps before a woman even knows she is pregnant — can cause major birth defects. Later in the pregnancy, drinking alcohol can cause poor growth and brain damage that could lead to learning and behavioral problems.

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These problems can be prevented by not drinking any alcohol during pregnancy. Do not drink if you are trying to get pregnant or think you may be pregnant. Other problems include:. Children with other FASDs have many of the same problems, but usually to a lesser degree.

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FASDs are diagnosed based on the symptoms facial features, poor growth, and brain involvementespecially if it is known that the mother drank during the pregnancy. In children with milder problems, FASD can be harder to diagnose.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Causes And Effects

Further evaluation and testing might be needed to rule out other conditions. A child who is thought to have an FASD may be referred to a developmental pediatrician, genetic specialist, or another specialist who can help identify https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/essay/media-request-css/juvenile-deliquency-in-ibadan-nigeria.php problem and confirm a diagnosis.

But many things can be done to help a child reach his or her full potential, especially when the condition is Aldohol early on.]

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