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EW brings you the latest breaking TV news, along with exclusive first looks, recaps, reviews, and interviews with your favorite stars. Most Recent. Lisa Keiffer says the 'Survivor' bathroom drama is real. Survivor Quarantine Questionnaire: Lisa Keiffer says the bathroom situation is worse than you think. Outlander season 6 starts shooting in Scotland amid pandemic and snowstorm The Droughtlander is one step closer to being over. Maya Rudolph gets candid about winning Emmys, her no-pants pandemic, and smashing comedy rules. The Walking Dead final season starts filming, releases first set photo A first look at the production returns to Alexandria. More TV. Commentary On Heads Up ! Heads Down.

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Donald Trump has left Washington, but only in physical form. His mischievous specter still haunts that fortified cemetery where our Constitution and all our alleged norms have been interred link shallow graves. Look what they have to move onto, two years of utter failure with that desiccated old zombie at the helm screwing this up until an energized and woke wave of GOP candidates who want to burn the whole garbage Establishment down sweep into power in When the Reddit Rebels took on the Democrat-donating hedge funders, that was the spirit of Trump.

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And, like the awkward and clumsy counter-insurgents they are, our stupid Establishment tore off its smiley-face mask and stepped in to protect its own against the great unwashed who had so improbably managed win, if only for a moment, the rigged game that is Wall Street.

How many people got woke that day? How many got woke when they saw the Democrat-subsidizing tech lords shut down the speech of anyone who dissents? Left to their own devices, the Establishment fails.

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Left to their own devices, the spotlight falls on them, and when that happens people see. The truth is that they want Trump. They need Trump. They cannot let him go. Plus, the impeachment itself is Ob substantive joke. It keeps charging people with planning it way ahead of time. The impeachment claims themselves are garbage. Oh yeah — when our side did it.

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Impeachment for saying unapproved things. Oh, they also ignored any kind of due process — there was simply a vote in which Liz Cheney and some other hacks shamelessly went along with this farce and — ta-da! Because the Article at issue here alleges multiple wrongs in the single article, it would be impossible to know if two-thirds of the members agreed on the entire article, or just on parts, as the basis for vote to convict. The House failed to adhere to strict Senate rules and, instead, chose to make the Article as broad as possible intentionally in the hope that some Senators might agree with parts, and other Senators agree with other parts, but that when these groups of senators were added together, the House might achieve the appearance of Commentary On Heads Up !

Heads Down thirds in agreement, when those two thirds of members, in reality, did not concur on the same allegations interwoven into an over-broad article designed for just such a purpose.

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Such behavior on the part of the House of Representatives may have a less nefarious reason, in the alternative, and simply be a by-product of the haste in which the House Commentary On Heads Up ! Heads Down acted while depriving the 45 th President of the United States of his American right to due process of law. Dowh 45th President of the United States believes and therefore avers that the defect in the drafting of the Article requires that Senators be instructed that if two thirds of them fail to find any portion of the Article lacking in evidence sufficient for conviction, then the entire Article fails and should be dismissed. Basically, the entire thing is defective because all these different claims are mixed together.]

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